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UCLA student tazed by UCPD


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Cut and dry word on the steet is hes a UCLA student in the library. Police ask to see he uinversity ID. He dosent have it on him, and the police want him to leave. The fact he is of Iranian decent dosnt seem to have any bearing on the situation

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What he was doing was caled passive resistance. He was refusing to move, just being dead weight. That in it self is enough to warrant the use of the taser. Mace is an exellent tool but they are in an enclosed space and everybody would have been affected. The taser only hurts like hell for 5 seconds then in a few seconds he would have been fine and able to walk. We tazed a guy last night outside of columbus gold and he got 2 rides and by the second ride he submitted and cooperated fully.

The officers should have just picked him up and carried him out to end the commotion, then added resisting to the list of charges..

Whats with the whole Iranian-American thing anyway. Who gives a crap what decent he is he's a dumbass and thats should be the end of it.


My 2 cents!!

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What he was doing was caled passive resistance. He was refusing to move, just being dead weight. That in it self is enough to warrant the use of the taser. Mace is an exellent tool but they are in an enclosed space and everybody would have been affected. The taser only hurts like hell for 5 seconds then in a few seconds he would have been fine and able to walk. We tazed a guy last night outside of columbus gold and he got 2 rides and by the second ride he submitted and cooperated fully.

The officers should have just picked him up and carried him out to end the commotion, then added resisting to the list of charges..

Whats with the whole Iranian-American thing anyway. Who gives a crap what decent he is he's a dumbass and thats should be the end of it.


My 2 cents!!


iagree. espeshly with as many people around as there where. It would have been better for everyone if they woulda carried him outside. Causing alot less of a commotion.

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Guest drumer919
All I know is the cameraman is a pussy. Damn dude...if you are going to have a camera than film the damn thing and quit hiding.


Thats exactly what I was thinking, the girl with her camera phone out had more balls than the pussy ass camera guy.


The sad part is that to all that guys friends he is the hero that stood up to the cops and got tazed doing what was right when really, he got tazed cause he was doing some stupid shit, the cops dost just taze people for no reason, they know they'll get hit with a law quit for that.

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i think its funny how everyone thinks they know what constitutes as excessive force. Do people understand thats what the taser is for? To PREVENT excessive force, such as shooting you with not electricty, but a hunk of metal? All he had to do was stand up and he'd been fine. Instead, he thought he'd be a drama queen and "prove a point", only to get a bunch of yuppie college kids all rowled up. For those who say, "Why tase him? Why not just carry him?" Im going to assume that in the very begining when hes saying, "Dont touch me, let go of me" etc., hes resisting thier attempt to calmy and civily escort him out. At some point, im sure he swatted at one of the officers, making it attemped assult on a police officer, meaning you just signed all your "be gentle with me" rights away.
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