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Racism or just idiots looking for something to whine about?

El Karacho1647545492

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What the fuck are you talking about????? CMT is the only one I'll give you. That's only because about 99.9% of blacks don't like country music. The rest, no fucking way. MTV? Are you fucking serious? Have you heard of this hip-hop thing that's been happening in the last, oh 30 years? Pimp my ride? Cribs? As for nbc, abc, cbs, fox, etc... have you heard of, oh I don't know, professional sports?


the majority of shows on all channels i listed feature predominantly whites. there arent many sitcoms about black families on the top four broadcasting companies. this is where channels such as BET come into play. Yes, black people watch predominantly white stations, but are you saying white people don't watch BET? Please abort your stupid retard alert immediately.

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a few issues I thought about while reading this thread:

1. Affirmitave Action no longer exists (Some schools and employers "choose" to balance out their ratios because it looks better to the public eye.)

2. There are more than just Scholarships for race there are scholarships for Gender, Red Hair (yup its true), Transfering to another College, Religous beliefs, Political Beliefs... I could go on and on, point is, it shouldn't matter.

3. The more people talk about "abolishing" racism the more racism there will be. When did you learn that the kid that had a really dark tan or who you though was just really pale in your Elementary School was a diffrent race? And when did you learn that associating with "those" people was diffrent for someone of your ethnic background. Point: People like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, The KKK (Obvisouly), The Black Panthers (Obvisouly), and anyone else that brings issues like racism to the table in a negative way do a tremendous amount of harm than good.


On a Somewhat contradicting note: In certain circiumstances someone from any race needs to speak out when any type or inequality should show its ugly head.


Thank a few people for the right to speak out...

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Theres stupid people everywhere and of every "race" that think they are better than everyone else because of thier skin color or nationality. No matter what anyone says or does the race issue will always exist, it always has and always will. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. I don't understand why people continue to fight, or bitch about it. Just accept it as a part of ALL societys and move on. It's been around since the beginning of time and will be around until the end of time. End of story. I try to give everyone a fair chance, when I meet you in person then I classify you to where I feel you belong in consistence with my belifs and views. I have met black people I do not like, and I have met white people I do not like. I have also met black people that I like, as well as I have met white people that I like. Theres good and bad to everything, unfortuneately some some of the bad will fuck it all up for the good. Thats my .02




Holy Fuck, Rick has been making solid, impressive posts... Someone pinch me!!!







PS: I havent even read past Rick's post, but Desperado has probably made some comment that warrants me saying this:


"Desperado, Shut Up."

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Perfect example of media bias. Jimmy "The Greek" said virtually the same thing about "breeding athletes" 20 years ago. He was fired the next day. How many chances does Irvin get? The dude screws up every year and they won't can him.


I thought it had some relevance to this thread.

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