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Since we seem to have a number of threads about turbos...


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that its almost 2007 and your email address STILL ends in "@aol.com"


I've had that same email address for damn near 10 years now. I have satellite hi-speed internet, but still have the dial-up as a back up. Besides, I think AOL is offering free email service now.



our rematch should be interesting. ;)


I can't wait. :D



if you didnt know they do have a terrible, no what horrible wait time after you order.

they say it will take 2 months, youll be lucky if it arrives in about 6 months, as others have taken about that long.


nice kit, but the heat thing would concern me, as i would have done something like the doc is doing provided i had a vette. (but the up side is bigger turbos can get on there.)


I have heard nothing but good things from the vette PTK guys. There's only a handful running around, but still good things. I hope it doesn't take that long to get the kit. Some heads will roll if I don't have anything by the 3 month mark. I'm not too worried though.


I'm also not really concerned about the heat. It's managable. I'm taking every precaution to deal with it, and I don't see it as being a problem. Besides, it give me a good excuse to buy a new hood. :D I'm also going to put some heat shielding on the underside of the hood.


As far as running one like the Doc's. There's a few reasons that I went with the PTK over all others:


1. I'm not a fan of the low mounts. No real logical reason, I just don't like the idea of them being down there, closer to the elements. I also don't like that you're pretty limited to size down there. Granted, you could make more power than you could ever need with them down there. But still.


2. Not many people are running the PTK kit. I wanted to do something different. Everybody and their brother runs the TTiX kit. Not that that is a bad thing, just too common for my liking.


3. Price. PTS was having a hell of a sale, and I jumped on it. I haven't seen the same thing out of any of the other major players in the C5 TT market. However, I'm still going to buy a $1,900, so that offsets the cost.


4. I'm sure there's other reasons, I just can't think of them right now.



I'm pretty sure I'll be more than satisfied with the kit. It will make more power than I will ever need, it looks good, is made well, aaaaaaaand.....it makes that cool 'whoooooshy' sound. lol j/k. :cool::D

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If it makes you feel even better, the fastest LT1 out there (8 flat @ 170 I think now), a stock-style suspension car no less, runs a PTK kit. That's what I'll run if I ever go turbo w/ my Formula, everything I have seen from them looks top notch.

a custom built ptk kit, not one you can order off their website.

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