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Some observations


I have had Directv for quite some time now, I was upgraded to the latest and greatest MPEG4 HD Locals via Satellite bla bla bla. About two weeks after I got it I lost signal. They sent a tech he determined the first tech did it wrong, realigned the dish and off we go for about two months. I then lose signal again, am told the dish is loose, realigned, badabing, fixed. The third time it goes out it comes back like 4 hours later. Finally, today, it goes completely 0% signal in all azimuth.


So I call again, tell them the wind blew again, they schedule a tech for thursday and discount me a week of service. I say wait, I need to talk about getting let out of my contract.


I talk to customer relations, the immediately gives me a 4 month discount on my HD service and reduces my bill by $10 per month for a year.


I say, great, when do my rights as a consumer trump your BS contract that you aren't able to uphold? He tells me that basically I am screwed and cannot break the contract under any sort of consumer protection.


Does anyone know if there is a consumer protection "lemon law" for essential services? (The Fed determined TV as essential for news etc...)

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You know when it is working it's great though, right? It is all this heavy wind we have going on, if the dish is not in the correct corresponding spot it will not distinguish a good signal. They marked it when they set it up, that is, if they did their job correctly, you should be able to loosen it, wiggle it to the right spot, tighten it, and have your shows back. I had to do it yesterday.
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