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WTD (Want to ditch) two old comps


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Throwing this here since "free to a good home" is an option, but does anyone know a place I can take a pair of old computers for recycling? One's a Pentium-166, the other a Pentium2-300. Both are still fully functioning, and would make decent openbsd firewalls or maybe a linux toys. I just don't have the time or space to work with them anymore, and they're too old for Computer Renaissance to be interested in.
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Both have the "usual" suspects... video, sound, network, usb, cdrom. The p-166 is a pci video w/ 1G drive, the p2-300 is first generation agp w/ 6G drive. Good for email and netsurfing, not so much the Halo and Unreal. I'm off work each monday this month, so if you want to get together for a bar lunch or something, lemme know through pm. I think a mod can kindly lock this now, unless they're too under-powered for ya ;)
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