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Broken toe?

Kevin R.

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Damn..i didnt want to put that much work into it. :D But I guess I should. I dont see what he could possibly do though except give me some pills and get some cash. I dont see them putting a whole fuckin foot cast shit on for a toe...and you cant splint the thing.
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I'd go to the doctor, especially if you have insurance. I broke one of my big toes a few years ago. All's they did was x-ray it like V8Beast said and make sure it's a break that will heal on it's own. Then they gave me one of those 'boot' things and 'tied' it to the toe next to it. Had to wear that for 3-4 weeks. I didn't do it for quite three. I still wish I would have done it for more. It still gives me problems because the break was right next to a joint, but not as bad as that other guy said. If it's bad enough to need something more than simple immobilization and you don't go get it checked you are in for a world of problems down the road.
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Guest Mushijobah
I broke mine during highschool football junior year. Get it x-rayed. Chances are you will have to wear one of those goofy blue shoes, they are hard to cast up. Don't wear regular shoes though, it will fuck it up.
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You need to get that shit looked at asap. If it is sitting in a crooked position they will need to put it back into place. Dont worry it will only hurt alot for about 10 minutes. No but seriously, go get films taken so they can make sure its sitting ok. Well worth it in the long run!
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I've broken most of the toes in my feet from martial arts.... I never worried about it... just waited for the swelling to go down, then went back to my normal life... thus hurting it again before it healed... now my feet look funky because my toes go all different directions.
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It it where me would only see a doc if i had lost pulse, motor, sensory and/or its disfigured. anything else and they'll more than likely shoot some xrays, confirm its broke and then buddy tape it. thats it.


If it was me i WOULD,however, go to CVS and buy some 3m medical tape and buddy tape it.


I would tear the medical tape into 1/4-1/3"strips, and secure the injured toe to the next good toe(normally the toe most inward feels the best). secure the injured toe to the buddy toe by wrapping the tape around injured toes "inbetween the joint spaces"(aka not on the joints). Dont wrap it too tightly as to cut off circulation(make it purple, or make it feel like its gone to sleep)

when you are around the house, dont wear closed shoes, and try to stay off it.

Its going to take 4-8weeks to heal...and it will hurt the entire time.

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