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Teh E-battle v1.0

Devils Advocate

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You are a winner! Congrats on being able to post a picture that you did not take. Previously you had attempted to own me with your amazing perception that I did not take my picture. I concede that you may be a contender based not upon you pictures, but rather upon previous e-battles. This however does not change the fact that your two posts contradict each other.


I forgot a period, you can't spell 'does'. I declare a tie on typos.


I'm also just going to go ahead and concede to your team. I guess I must not be in too much of a battling mood this season. Feel free to pick apart this post if you like.





I guess that's what i get for fucking with a guy who has a bare chested man in his sig.

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I guess that's what i get for fucking with a guy who has a bare chested man in his sig.


As opposed to a guy with a dyke for an avatar, and a guy with a pair of nuts for a forehead in his sig? :p


I've been meaing to ask, what is the whole scary guy in the sig all about?

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Alright, we talked about this for a little bit the last time I was in Columbus, and kinda decided that we'd start it off as a group of us vs all takers. Once this gets on for a bit, I'm sure that alliances will be formed within the groups, and it'll end up being a complete farce.


To start it off, It's Me, Caxide, Tilly, Eli, The Deej, Supra Mark (!!), and Sam (who is only allowed to post pictures), against all of you nut swinging, shitbox driving, cock-sucking, ignorant, illiterate, brainless, dickless, hopeless, redneck and messican homosexuals.



People barred from this competition based on previous fruitless attempts at humor/proper bantering skills:



Formula 91


Note: Gearhead is included on a probationary basis.




Let the fun begin!




lame, very lame and you really think your smart, you sound like a pimple face reject that jerks offs under the covers to a male nudist magazine. And the only thing you got going for you is nothing.

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lame, very lame and you really think your smart, you sound like a pimple face reject that jerks offs under the covers to a male nudist magazine. And the only thing you got going for you is nothing.


This post just doesn't make any sense.


If he jerked off under the covers he wouldn't be able to see the magazine.


And the only thing you got going for you is nothing


Quoted again...just because...

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As opposed to having one of the ugliest cars in the history of automotive engineering, a blind faith that leads me to ignorance and a bad attitude, no idea of when to shut my mouth, and a life that after forty years still has me challenging people to car races on the internet? I wouldn't trade you for what you have plus all the money in the world, Old Man River.


PS: If you're going to attack me without any knowledge of me whatsoever, at least be more creative than "pimple nerd gay dood lol masturbate." Thats how this works.

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This post just doesn't make any sense.


If he jerked off under the covers he wouldn't be able to see the magazine.




Quoted again...just because...





Maybe you could hold the flash light for him.

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As opposed to having one of the ugliest cars in the history of automotive engineering, a blind faith that leads me to ignorance and a bad attitude, no idea of when to shut my mouth, and a life that after forty years still has me challenging people to car races on the internet? I wouldn't trade you for what you have plus all the money in the world, Old Man River.


PS: If you're going to attack me without any knowledge of me whatsoever, at least be more creative than "pimple nerd gay dood lol masturbate." Thats how this works.



Its ok, come on out of the closet, im sure your buds here will hold your hand, your other hand.

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So now (all of this is while typing on a computer, I might add) I'm masturbating to a male nudist magazine, under the covers while reading a magazine, with kevin R... In a closet? Furthermore, there are other people waiting outside of this closet to hold the hand not filled by my wang when I exit the closet? Do I have three arms or something?



You're getting pretty in depth about homosexual "situations" for someone whose faith doesn't allowed them to be gay...

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Good night. the older man has to go to bed.

the point of this thread was to give you a canvas with which you could paint a vivid picture of the cultural abyss that you represent. i think the last time i heard insults that juvenile, I was in high school, which was admittedly not long ago. did you learn to talk smack like that in your GED class?

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I wouldn't trade you for what you have plus all the money in the world, Old Man River.



You might,

let me tell you what i have without bragging to much, i have my faith, a beautiful wife, two great kids, 3 cats 1 dog, a very nice house in a country style nieghbor hood, a very good job and a fast street car and thats just a small portion of what i have. All plus a bad attitude when punks irritate me.


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the point of this thread was to give you a canvas with which you could paint a vivid picture of the cultural abyss that you represent. i think the last time i heard insults that juvenile, I was in high school, which was admittedly not long ago. did you learn to talk smack like that in your GED class?



Yea my faith is against being gay like you. I am completly against it, no excections or excuses. And for you gay guys on here, because i know there are a few, i will not gay "bash" on here, but just tease a little. Now go hold the flashlight for hefty.

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Yea my faith is against being gay like you. I am completly against it, no excections or excuses. And for you gay guys on here, because i know there are a few, i will not gay "bash" on here, but just tease a little. Now go hold the flashlight for hefty.


I find most people make assumptions of others based on their personal experiences and actions. So, I'm wondering... Do you use the flashlight because you like the beat off in the dark or because it's hard to find? And while I'm at it, what the hell is "excections"?

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As opposed to a guy with a dyke for an avatar, and a guy with a pair of nuts for a forehead in his sig? :p


I've been meaing to ask, what is the whole scary guy in the sig all about?



You'll learn all about Rosie the Riveter (in my avatar) next year when you take American History. They still teach that in your junior year of high school, right? I was going to reply to you last night, but I figured it was a school night and past your bedtime.

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As opposed to a guy with a dyke for an avatar, and a guy with a pair of nuts for a forehead in his sig? :p


I've been meaing to ask, what is the whole scary guy in the sig all about?


A native of the planet Korugar, Sinestro was initially considered to be one of the greatest Green Lanterns, but as the years passed, he became more and more fixated not simply on protecting the magenta-skinned Korugarians, but on preserving order in their society. Eventually, he concluded that the best way to accomplish this was to conquer them, and to rule the planet as a dictator.


As Mensan said, I will let you learn about Rosie the Riveter at the beginning of the school year all on your own. :D

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AMC boy, ever hear of a guy named john wayne gacy? he loathed gay people. more so than you, but its nice to see that you share his sentiments. you know what though? posthumously, its been suspected that he himself was gay, and that his murders were a defense mechanism.




the people here on CR are pretty well balanced. none of the corvette guys are flamboyant assholes, as most stereotypes would suggest just to give an example. you, however, make me wonder. you seem to be the epitome of someone who is compensating for something. you have a beastly fast car, feel the need to assert your male dominance, and are constantly accusing others of homosexual tendencies when no such evidence exists. tilley, you're the doctor here. am i just taking shots in the dark, or is this guy a classic case of freudian repression.

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