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Teh E-battle v1.0

Devils Advocate

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the ultimate opposition to the advancement of the cause of christ is christians.


you let me know, AMC, how this "fire and brimstone" method is working for you.


and, caxide, youre wrong, the corvette guys are most definately flamboyant assholes, and theyve taken linn with them. the only reason we kept tilley on the team is that he is at least reasonably intelligent.

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. you seem to be the epitome of someone who is compensating for something. you have a beastly fast car, feel the need to assert your male dominance, and are constantly accusing others of homosexual tendencies when no such evidence exists. tilley, you're the doctor here. am i just taking shots in the dark, or is this guy a classic case of freudian repression.



So everyone with a fast car that does not approve of the gay lifestyle that you and hefty live is a fag. Yea that makes sense,..quit trying to sound so smart,.. because your making yourself look like a dumbass.

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So everyone with a fast car that does not approve of the gay lifestyle that you and hefty live is a fag. Yea that makes sense,..quit trying to sound so smart,.. because your making yourself look like a dumbass.



......or perhaps he's hitting a little too close to home? :asshole:

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because your making yourself look like a dumbass.

because your making yourself look like a dumbass.

because your making yourself look like a dumbass.

because your making yourself look like a dumbass.



and one more time for good measure


because your making yourself look like a dumbass.


you, my friend, have just made yourself a shining example of irony


EDIT: Oh and it wasn't so much the fast car and gay bashing that make me wonder if you're compensating, its the fact that you need to assure a bunch of strangers from 2 hours away from home that you've supposedly got more than any of them do. Good job snagging a wife and knocking her up a few times. Congrats, you can visit animal shelters and pick up pets. You bought a home. Great. You've got a fast car. Super duper. Now, what I wonder is, how does that make me gay? You're the one that had a gay old time in the military showering with all your barracks butt-buddies. Your need to assert yourself as some sort of alpha male is what gives me the idea that you've got an inferiority complex, and supplemental to that is your hatred for homosexuals and the need to prove yourself on the track, and even idly make allusions to being able to defend yourself in a fight. You're just a big fluffy ball of testosterone, aren't you.


Its really cute how, no matter how much you hate gays, think you have a more manly lifestyle, and feel superior to CR both as a man and as a racer, you still come back hour after hour to try and rag on a 19 year old and a 21 year old. That shows some serious confidence.


I'm gonna continue to eat falafel, drink Sam Adams, and fuck the ever loving shit out of the girl that lives across the hall from me. If you think thats gay, then call me Liberace.

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I didnt know flamboyant guys had parties like this at their houses all the time.




welp, havent had to reference webster in a bit, i suppose im due...


Main Entry: 1flam·boy·ant http://www.m-w.com/images/audio.gif

Pronunciation: -&nt

Function: adjective

1 often capitalized : characterized by waving curves suggesting flames <flamboyant tracery> <flamboyant architecture>

2 : marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior <a flamboyant performer>

- flam·boy·ant·ly adverb


i put the important stuff in bold. just trying to help out.


dont type sam, just post pics.

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welp, havent had to reference webster in a bit, i suppose im due...


Main Entry: 1flam·boy·ant http://www.m-w.com/images/audio.gif

Pronunciation: -&nt

Function: adjective

1 often capitalized : characterized by waving curves suggesting flames <flamboyant tracery> <flamboyant architecture>

2 : marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior <a flamboyant performer>

- flam·boy·ant·ly adverb


i put the important stuff in bold. just trying to help out.


dont type sam, just post pics.



Stop lieing, you were referencing that I was gay...



P.S. Get me a sprint phone... :mad:

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Stop lieing, you were referencing that I was gay...



P.S. Get me a sprint phone... :mad:


sam, everyone on this board has seen porn with you in it. were pretty sure youre not gay. you are flamboyantly assholish, though.


just post the pics, sam. leave this thinking stuff to the rest of us.



i still cant get you a sprint phone, dork.

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, you still come back hour after hour to try and rag on a 19 year old and a 21 year old.



Well, im actually on other car sites, and just flipping back here once and awhile to have some fun with you monkeys,.and dont you two like someone that comes on your topic and out of no where says something stupid and talks about things that are not related to the topic. I thought id fit right in.

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, you still come back hour after hour to try and rag on a 19 year old and a 21 year old.



Well, im actually on other car sites, and just flipping back here once and awhile to have some fun with you monkeys,.and dont you two like someone that comes on your topic and out of no where says something stupid and talks about things that are not related to the topic. I thought id fit right in.


actually what you said fits right in to the topic. besides, no one gets sand in their vagina about that.



i'm still not reading a no about sexual repression;)

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I'm gonna continue to eat falafel, drink Sam Adams, and fuck the ever loving shit out of the girl that lives across the hall from me.


Thats sad.



And i can tell your desperate to prove your a intelligent man. not yet son, you have a ways to go.

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I'm gonna continue to eat falafel, drink Sam Adams, and fuck the ever loving shit out of the girl that lives across the hall from me.


Thats sad.



And i can tell your desperate to prove your a intelligent man. not yet son, you have a ways to go.


gee mister, you sure are smart. i mean, 40 years old, experience in the military and knowing a lot about cars...it doesn't get much smarter! who needs to know about rate of return on investment. knowing something about the middle east while we're engaged in a war with pretty much the entire region? who needs it! trying to learn about the psychology of the human mind? you know about the psychology of the human mind: gays are unnatural and wrong, Jesus is right, and you're the manliest man around.


tell us a little about yourself. you know i'm a Boston U student that studies international relations with a minor in history, that i like to shoot my mouth off and point out obvious mental coordinative deficiencies of others. what about your educational background, seeing as you apparently have a wealth of knowledge that puts you on a superior plane of cognition.

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You planning on making a roast beef sandwich with that thing? If so, it looks like theres enough for two... I'll take mine with swiss cheese and a little dijon, grilled...And Oh, hold the herpes.



AMC, I havent seen you post anything worth replying to yet in this thread. All I HAVE seen is you getting DESTROYED by someone half your age, and you responding with "OK FAG LOL." I just want you to know that you look like a complete clown on here to anyone outside of your family ( I know that you and your brothers all sit in each others laps while reading this.)



This seriously isn't even fair.

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gee mister, you sure are smart. i mean, 40 years old, experience in the military and knowing a lot about cars...it doesn't get much smarter! who needs to know about rate of return on investment. knowing something about the middle east while we're engaged in a war with pretty much the entire region? who needs it! trying to learn about the psychology of the human mind? you know about the psychology of the human mind: gays are unnatural and wrong, Jesus is right, and you're the manliest man around.


tell us a little about yourself. you know i'm a Boston U student that studies international relations with a minor in history, that i like to shoot my mouth off and point out obvious mental coordinative deficiencies of others. what about your educational background, seeing as you apparently have a wealth of knowledge that puts you on a superior plane of cognition.



I went to Knowitall university. And i know that if you would of stayed off my toipic we would not be talking right now.

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AMC, I havent seen you post anything worth replying to yet in this thread. All I HAVE seen is you getting DESTROYED by someone half your age, and you responding with "OK FAG LOL." I just want you to know that you look like a complete clown on here to anyone outside of your family ( I know that you and your brothers all sit in each others laps while reading this.)



Your not responding because you've been whip,..you think your winning....winning what, and e-battle that you and your little crusaders think is important. hahahahhahhahahahahahahahhhahaha thats funny. :thumbup:

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I went to Knowitall university. And i know that if you would of stayed off my toipic we would not be talking right now.




Im pretty sure that this has been less than an actual conversation... Usually, a conversation doesn't entail one person spouting jibberish while the rest of the people involved are scratching their heads and saying "Wha?" every few minutes.

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AMC, I havent seen you post anything worth replying to yet in this thread. All I HAVE seen is you getting DESTROYED by someone half your age, and you responding with "OK FAG LOL." I just want you to know that you look like a complete clown on here to anyone outside of your family ( I know that you and your brothers all sit in each others laps while reading this.)



Your not responding because you've been whip,..you think your winning....winning what, and e-battle that you and your little crusaders think is important. hahahahhahhahahahahahahahhhahaha thats funny. :thumbup:




i shouldnt do this, because your low-brow sense of humor allowes you to be entertained by the fact that you're ignorant at everyone laughing at you, but... Not responding? I'll put this into an analogy that you should understand. The people laughing at you/making you look like an Idiot is car A, You are car B.


Car A meets car B at the track. Car A wins the first race by several seconds. Car B doesn't know what to say because the people he associates with dont drive cars that fast (Hint: Drive fast means to use complete thoughts and words properly). To show to car A just how fast he is, in the rematch, Car B drives into a wall and totals his car.


Do you get it? I know it's a little tough and roundabout, but trying to put together something that a caveman would understand isn't a part of my daily life, because I'm not a special education teacher.

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You'll learn all about Rosie the Riveter (in my avatar) next year when you take American History. They still teach that in your junior year of high school, right? I was going to reply to you last night, but I figured it was a school night and past your bedtime.


Yes, I've heard all about Rosie the Riveter, but she still looks like a dyke.


And yes, I went to bed shortly after my post. The wild and crazy sex I had with your girl wore me the fuck out. :D

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