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Scott (buckeye) aka Max Muscle FTL


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well, i told scott i would not post anything bad about his shop, because i had respect for him and his business, but i do not after today.


a guy i work with at honda, bought an 83 chevy truck, and started to put alot of money into it.


he needed alot of work done to this truck. i referred him to scott. saying how honest of a mechanic he is, and how good of work he does. i have had experience with scott before, and never heard a bad thing about him. also i hae known scott for a while now.


the first time my buddy from work took his truck to scott about 4 months ago or so. he enjoyed the work scott did for him, minus the fact that the deadlines promised never were met.



after taiking it to scott for some major suspension and drive train issues that needed fixed he then took it to a friend os he could learna a few things and they replaced the motor and a few other things.


well on to thje present.


my friend still had issues after him and his buddy worked on the car.

and gave scott a list of things to accomplish. mind you this is ocer a month ago.

we dropped the truck off, at scotts shop and this is the list that was to be fixed


gas gauge needed fixed

3 gauges were to be installed

transmission parking claw to be fixed

brackets for a new 3 core aluminum radiator were to be fabbed and installed

fix a coolant leak

check transfer case leak

install a door switch

install an electric fan


and i think maybe a few other minor things


scott said he was going to shop out the tranny and transfer case work becuase he didnt know enough about them. that was fine.


well 4 weeks went buy, and the week deadline and several other dead lines were not met. with scott making no contact with my friend.


finally, we decided to take a trip down to his shop that is 40 min away from us.


we get to his shop, call on our way, no answer from scott.


we get to his shop. my friends truck is still sitting in the exact same spot as it was when we dropped it off.


scott said he had already started on the truck and that the transmissionwas pulled. so as we are inspection the truck, the tranny is stillin it. and there is puddles of fluid from the transfer case under the car, meaning it was never moved.


he also said he had already gotten the timing set, and messed wiht the carb, and started fixing some other things.


well now we try scott again. and he answers.


now we are standing in front the the truck looking at it.

my friend is asking scott "so hows my truck coming along"

scott replies "oh the tranyn is out, it should be done today, i got this and this going , etc. etc." straight up lies right to his face.


so my friend says well me and hoblick are in the area mind if we stop by.. scott replies.. im nto at the shop. ok ok well we get ready to tae off, when scott rolls into the shop.

he gets out they talk, my firend enver said anythign to scott about him lying righ tto his face, and scott now promises to have the truck done thursday but no later than saturday morning.


i felt compelled to say somethign since my friend is a nice guy, and was getting fucked.


so i talked to scott one on one, and wanted to know why he lied to him, he gave me excuses, and i took everything in to consideration. he said he was sorry he shouldnt have lied, but he will make it up to him, and have the truck done... infact there is nothign that would keep him from getting it done by the latest on saturday morning.


so plans were made to get his new tires mounted and balanced saturday morning before we go to work.. well yet again scott calls and sayd something went wrong and he wont have his truck saturday. but to come pick it up sunday morning.


its sunday morning and guess what...


scott left a message at 6:47 stating he didnt have enough time and he cant pick his truck up.


so no wim up at 9 for no reason.. we made plans to get this truck today. he needed the truck today to haul his 4 wheeler. and yet agian scott lied and gave false deadlines, and lied about what was actually completed on the truck. we called and called this morning and scott will nto answer his phone. jsut as the times before. and even after messages were left on the cell phone and work phone scott will not reply today or anyday befor that.


so in closing. do not take business to scott (max muscle) he lied about pretty much everything. my firend is pissed about the situation. and i feel liek a dick for referring him to such a horrible expereince.

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As for the previous problems I am not makeing excuses I did not handle it the rite way and I appologized to Jason in person for that. When the truck was droped off I was under the idea that is was not a big hurry so I did not rush it. When he called I made the wrong choice in telling him that I had a few things done in order to ease his mind.Then I fell behind and was unable to get it done. I should have just been straight up (Like I normaly do) and just told him what was what. I screwed up and will not make that mistake in judgement again however that is no excuse for it.


As for as this morning I last night I reinstalled the tranfer case after rebuilding the worn linkage. I then fired up the truck to find that the "fixed" wireing issues with the gauges where still present So I started tracking wires and found multiple splice and burnt/rubed wires. So I preceded to begin rewireing all of it in hopes of getting the factory gauges working since there is not a real super place to put the aftermarket gauges and If it where my truck I whould rather the factory gauges not something mounted across the cab and down low. So at 6:47 I A: came to the conclusion that it whould not be ready for the 9 am pickup we planed and B: I had ran out of steam and needed to lay down for a few hours.


I talked to Jason when I got up at 10 and explained what was up and again apologized for the delay I know he needed the truck, that is why I worked all night to try to have it ready for him I just ran out of time. I understand that my apology is small help but it is all I can give him, and now finish the truck and deliver a truck the way he wanted it in the beginning.


As you Ryan and many on here know I run a clean operation and this is out of character for me. I run from a word of mouth stance and try to earn the customers trust. I understand I have lost his trust and earned this bad post. All I can do is learn from this and not let it happen again.

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sounds like the same problem i had with scott about a year and a half ago.


apparently the company i had bought my clutch kit from sent me a clutch disc for a v6 tiburon, and i had a i4 elantra. instead of comparing the old clutch to the new, scott tried to install it 4 times. i was without my car for 2+ weeks, getting promise after promise of when my car would be done, saying he would have a hyundai tech come look at it, etc etc.


then, when we go to pick up the car and take it to a friend of the familys shop, of 6 bolts on the flywheel, 2 were GONE, 2 were LOOSE. there we're ground wires disconnected, o2 sensors out of the exhaust (why? i dont know), and various other things that i have documented from the guy doing the work. i feel once scott got tired of dealing with me and my father, he tried to convince us he would fix it one last time, and instead did worse to the car on purpose


this was when he was out off i want to say fulton st

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Well the way I see things is, that the issues were between Scott and your friend not you and Scott. I am not saying that there wasn't an issue, but no one but the person invovled has any right to complain for anyone else. There are always details left out when conversation between friends take place. It would be irrational to to assume that you know every detail of every conversation that transpired or the tone and wording used in each of those conversations.


This is just my opinion, which is just like your first post, an opinion. The way I see it the post by Evan carries MUCH more weight.

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gregg, i have been near or with my friend jason when all conversations were taken place.

i was there at the shop when he lied to him on the phone.


this comes on me as much as it does jason, for i recommended him to the shop, and i have to hear about it.

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Personally I feel now that the complaint has been lodged this should now be taken to PMs. Shit happens and that is why we ahve the consumer reports section. I would like to see everything resolved and hope for the best, I just don't think the rest needs to be done publically. just my opinion.
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I have decided not becouse of this only but just the general way this self employment thing has been going that I will be closeing shop and no longer taking work as a professional shop. I will still do stuff for my friends but no longer as a shop. I kept hoping to make this grow to something more but all I have proceeded to do is cause problems in my personal life and now lost a friend over a bad decision I made. I worked very hard to keep a good name and it upsets me to go out this way but I did make the choice to to mislead Jason in order to make him feel more progress was done than had been and I earned the bad post so it is how it is and I can't change that past.
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