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hi....so i'm finally posting

Guest spydercolt8

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Guest spydercolt8
hi, i've been watching and reading most of these forums for about a good two months now and havn't posted anything yet. mainly because i don't have anything to say or i don't feel apart of the group because my cars are slow, and don't want to be made fun of. but of course after reading it doesn't matter if my car sucks or not you'll still make fun of me. so with that said ARE YOU HAPPY BRIAN!!! o did i mention that i'm stuck in iraq with Brian. yeah i get to drive around in a 87 chevy silverado, with a giant tool box on the back. let the toasting begin.
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Guest spydercolt8
ok yes this is what i expected...........and no i'm not his gay lover but i do know who it is, but we have this thing in the army called "don't ask, don't tell" so if i want to keep my money i'm not going to tell. but if you must know then i'll need to take up a collection.
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