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WTB: Kicker 12-15" L7


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Your going to be hard pressed to find them on cr.


I would check Crutchfield or Discount Audio online.


Ebay is also a great source for subs. Usaly can get 2 of them for the price of one local.


My MTX 15's I had were half the price online. PM if you have any car audio questions.

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Your going to be hard pressed to find them on cr.


I would check Crutchfield or Discount Audio online.


Ebay is also a great source for subs. Usaly can get 2 of them for the price of one local.


My MTX 15's I had were half the price online. PM if you have any car audio questions.


ill be fine, ive been doing car audio/video for awhile now, but its always nice to check local rather then fucking with people far away.



if any else have them, let me know

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