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Campus Housing

Guest Mushijobah

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Guest Mushijobah
I need a house/decent apartment CLOSE to campus. Know of any locales that you reccomend? Lived in a complex or rented off of a good owner? Thanx Guyz!!!! :gay: (jk)
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If you rent from any of the big companies (pella, buckeye real estate, G.A.S. Properties, you will get boned on your security deposit. GAS has a policy of taking the carpet cleaning fee out of your security deposit unless you give them a recip to show you had it profesionally cleaned. Buckeye has shit service when I lived on 15th AVE. A rat got into my cupboards and ate everything, and the said not to worryabout the mess, they would clean it. Out of a 600 deposit I got back $53 becuse the place was "Not cleaned, and the carpet needd replaced." had pics of the carpet being frayed when I moved in, but they wouldnt hear it.

ella wasnt to bad, but getting things fixed was slow. Also the people working there where not overly friendly.

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GAS has a policy of taking the carpet cleaning fee out of your security deposit unless you give them a recip to show you had it profesionally cleaned.


You do realize that this is common practice right?

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Guest Mushijobah
Yeah I'm trying to avoid a company that requires a lease with other people at all costs. I want to hopefully find a situation with a few roomates who pay a renter individually.
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Yeah I'm trying to avoid a company that requires a lease with other people at all costs. I want to hopefully find a situation with a few roomates who pay a renter individually.

That's very hard to find. I only know of one place that was like that near campus. I think it was Jefferson Place.

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