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My aunt has cancer.


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Praying won't do CRAP its going to be science that will save her, look into any new age treatments..not the bible...some of the things that have happend in my familly would have deadly if not for modern medicine.


May or may not help, but it cant hurt. Lighten up a little dude.

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Praying won't do CRAP its going to be science that will save her, look into any new age treatments..not the bible...some of the things that have happend in my familly would have deadly if not for modern medicine.



What a way to show sympathy for someones bad news... If you feel you can trust only in man fine, but have some respect for the tough times his aunt, himself, and his family are going through.


We will pray for her and the family.

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Can you explain energy ? always has and always will be intersting how that works anit it.


so if the brain uses energy to create postive thoughts and that energy is transformed again as a postive start instead oa negative could that be a good thing? If i'm wrong what harm have i caused


I really think you should take your words else were as my aunt sits at OSU getting chemo. out one of the best hospitals you could be it for cutting edge cancer reserch.


Praying won't do CRAP its going to be science that will save her, look into any new age treatments..not the bible...some of the things that have happend in my familly would have deadly if not for modern medicine.
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Go easy on Nick... I think it is just a matter of awareness. He prays too... just does not realize it. You know... like the times he blows by a cop of the freeway and pra... err... HOPES he did not get busted... it is all the same he just doesn't know it yet!


Peace to your Aunt.

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Praying won't do CRAP its going to be science that will save her, look into any new age treatments..not the bible...some of the things that have happend in my familly would have deadly if not for modern medicine.



my grandfather has cancer as well and the doctors have given him just under two months to live, the only thing that my family and I have left for him is prayer.


As far as your aunt goes I hope that you can still enjoy good times with her and she will be in my prayers

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If it were not for people using free thought,..... ideas like chemo and looking at life outside of religous boundries there would be no hope for cancer today...every time you enjoy a hamburger or any other modern processed food you are eating a chemically altered substance that your body cells dont know who to handle so it just corrups healthy cells....leading to more cancer..we are all going to see more and more of it just wait....change your attitudes about food producers..and poluters of the world if you want changes otherwise this is just the start of the "NEW BLACK PLAUGE" There are many things we can do to save our selfs, stem cell research for one but the Christains are VERY aginst it. I feel bad for you aunt but..truth is 99.2% of us will die :) Sorry for any spelling errors


PS. We are mostly made up of water there has been studys to show that we can affect water with our thoughts if you think:, therefore you are.

PSps I Don't Speed

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There are many things we can do to save our selfs, stem cell research for one but the Christains are VERY aginst it.




Christian are against the killing of human life. Stem cells can be derived from other sources than just a fetus. The liberals are the ones that say the Christians are against it, but for the most part I would say that is not true.

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