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The Zune


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I have an iPod, but I had an opportunity to play with a Zune a few weeks ago. I gotta tell ya, I wish I had a Zune. I dont want to say that it is all out better than the iPod, but more like it takes a lot of iPod features and improves upon them.
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I have a white Zune.....It's okay. Sold my 30g vid pod for it. It's okay. It takes a little more to convert dvds to it than it does an ipod. It has no eq, clock. The software does not let you edit song title, genre, any of that crap, once it's on the zune. You can while in the library which sucks cause I don't use a library. It's big like the very first ipod that came out. Beauty of it to me is the screen size and the fact I can make pictures wallpaper. With pics....the way you have to add them is stupid, too. You select a folder on the ipod and if you add 100 pics to that folder, once you connect the ipod to your PC, it sees the new pics and adds them. This thing does not, so you have to know all the new pics, which have to be in the same folder and drag to sync. If they are in a new folder, it creates that on the zune. Pain the ass if you have a folder, lets call it "porn"....well, today i have a hundred pics and they are synced. I get online and hit a nice site and saved like 20 more pics to that "porn" folder. The zune will not find the newly added pics in that folder and add to it. You have to enter that folder and find them one by one and drag to the sync section. Lets not even get started on all the converting that's done to a .mp4 video file before it's added to it..Oh, battery life is ten times better than the ipod. I can watch a 2hr movie on it and it won't die. My vid pod died less than an hour into a movie. No cool speakers sold for it yet either..like that very nice Bose one for the pod..
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I was looking at my brother's Zune and wasn't impressed at all... and it's my understanding that the reviews for the Zune were horrible too.


Putty: If your Ipod was dying in an hour then something's not right.



Whatever the case, I consulted them(apple) about it and they told me "The ipod is a music device with video capability". That's there way of stating they realize the battery is a pos with video.

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Whatever the case, I consulted them(apple) about it and they told me "The ipod is a music device with video capability". That's there way of stating they realize the battery is a pos with video.


My battery life is not so hot watching videos on the ipod either. Now music is a different story, it lasts a very long time.

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My friends little brother has one and every since I played with it Ive been wanting one myself. The only downside to it is that it is about twice as thick as the Ipod but the screen is a lot larger and there is radio. The one reason I wont buy an Ipod is because of iTunes, I like how you can just transfer over the files from your computer over to the Zune directly.
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I like how you can just transfer over the files from your computer over to the Zune directly.


Sorry...You can not do that....You have to use the Zune software to add anything to it. BTW, itunes is as good, if not better, imo.

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Sorry...You can not do that....You have to use the Zune software to add anything to it. BTW, itunes is as good, if not better, imo.


there is a hack so u can transfer files to and from the zune like a portable hard drive i have had mine for a while now and love it

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I bought a Sandisk Sansa for my g/f. I'm gonna end up getting one since I really like it. I hate the itunes software, plus it's cheaper and does more then the nano. The Zune got bad reviews, I really wanted one but I dont' want to wait till they rid all the bugs and shrink it down a bit.
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