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Since we're in Bizarro world on here now.....I guess I am for Obama


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This is SO embarrassing.....Almost enough to change my screename over! :nono:

I would like to qualify these opinions as that of Henry Winkler ONLY....NOT the Fonz! :lol: Figured I better turn him/myself in before Justin found it in one of his dragnet searches to use against me ;)


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:lol::lol: That's a good one Russ.

You sure you won't give "the black socialist guy" another shot? I mean, if the Henry Winkler can, I have faith you could too. :D

Obama honestly does have some good ideas. Not perfect, but in a much better direction than where we're heading.

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:lol::lol: That's a good one Russ.

You sure you won't give "the black socialist guy" another shot? I mean, if the Henry Winkler can, I have faith you could too. :D

Obama honestly does have some good ideas. Not perfect, but in a much better direction than where we're heading.

I figured you guys'd get a kick out of that! ;) Did you jump out of your seat when you read that thread title Justin?!? :p

To clarify....I'm not against him because he's black Justin....I liked Colin Powell until he turned coat last week. I like Connie Rice as well. As I've stated on here repeatedly, it's mostly to do with what I consider his shady associations/relationships/advisors, etc, some of which are "anti white" &/or "anti American" (Wright, Rezko, Ayers, his campaign managers, etc). I feel like he's the devil in sheep's clothes, and I can't shake that, no matter how many links you post ;) "You can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps", "Birds of a feather flock together", etc

That being said.....I think recent circumstances have aligned perfectly for his "Change" mantra to move the masses. Just saw this morning that this year's early vote is around 35% so far, as opposed to 22% in '04

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Just so I'm clear though, Russ:

I understand you fear this whole "wolf in sheeps clothing" - I get that.

But, you'd rather vote for 4 more years of Bush (90% voting record with Bush afterall) - who has been for the last 8 years, quite frankly, driving this country into the ground? Conscientiously, you'd rather support an aggressive old white man, his anti-intellectual VP and their Bush platform, instead of taking the chance that Obama might not be this wolf in sheep's clothing and could steer the country in a better direction? Not the BEST direction, but better than continuing to dig the hole Bush has dug.

Just wondering why you have this unshakable fear... worst case that could happen - Obama has a hidden agenda and is subsequently SQUASHED by the checks and balances in the legislative and judicial branch. But again, that's a conspiracy theory that he'd have to have been setting up ever since he was a young college student...

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Just so I'm clear though, Russ:

I understand you fear this whole "wolf in sheeps clothing" - I get that.

But, you'd rather vote for 4 more years of Bush (90% voting record with Bush afterall) - who has been for the last 8 years, quite frankly, driving this country into the ground? Conscientiously, you'd rather support an aggressive old white man, his anti-intellectual VP and their Bush platform, instead of taking the chance that Obama might not be this wolf in sheep's clothing and could steer the country in a better direction? Not the BEST direction, but better than continuing to dig the hole Bush has dug.

Just wondering why you have this unshakable fear... worst case that could happen - Obama has a hidden agenda and is subsequently SQUASHED by the checks and balances in the legislative and judicial branch. But again, that's a conspiracy theory that he'd have to have been setting up ever since he was a young college student...

Trying to get a skunk out of our house right now.....taking a quick break.....So forgive me for being short Justin.....But I figure where there's enough smoke.....There's gotta be some sort of fire ;)

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Democrats have only had the congress since 2006. Other than that, I posted a link awhile back (within the 2 month crash window) that basically showed the Republicans either had majority or a 50/50 split at worse since Reagan (I think).

'Trickle Up Poverty' isn't the right way of thinking of it. Think of it as letting the people who don't make a lot of money to begin with, KEEP more of what they earn - since most of them aren't living 'high off the hog'. Obama's plan is NOT socialism. Look at my link in the other thread. Palin is more of a socialist than Obama, and the progressive tax code was introduced by a Republican.

And how is healthcare not possible... All other modernized nations are doing it. US healthcare makes as much sense as using imperial units of measure. We're the ONLY different ones.

You have any links to things he's said and done that were contradictory? I've looked, I can't find any that can't be explained through rational thought.

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story please.

I was wonderin' if anyone was gonna catch that :rolleyes::badgerrock:

very interesting indeed...

What's that........That I've got a skunk stinkin' up my house, or Justin doin' his Ross Perot impersonation, complete with charts?!? ;)

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... worst case that could happen - Obama has a hidden agenda and is subsequently SQUASHED by the checks and balances in the legislative and judicial branch. But again, that's a conspiracy theory that he'd have to have been setting up ever since he was a young college student...

Now that I've got more time to answer Justin....The other thing that concerns me about BO being elected is EXACTLY what you tout above as one of our built in protections.....The check & balance of Congress is neutralized as it's currently a democratic majority with that whack job Pelosi in charge.

Combine some of her socialist ideas/plans with BO's.....And "Ruh Roh Raggy"!!! :eek::nono:

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Speaking of socialists... have you read any of the other links in my other thread. I didn't want to dirty up this one with the exact same posts... but it seems the Republican states are the more socialist ones.



And this graphic I found:


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Speaking of socialists... have you read any of the other links in my other thread. I didn't want to dirty up this one with the exact same posts...

Yes I did admire your chart in the other thread....But it doesn't have anything to do with Pelosi ;)

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