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XP Pro / File Failure HELP


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Besides life in general hitting the fan today, my Dell decided to take a shit.



Dell Dimension 8400


2 x 160gig HD

2gig RAM

other goodies


Wife used the PC today, worked perfectly, shut down fine. I try to use it, and get -


---- \SystemRoot\System32\Config\SAM missing or corrupt.


Try a few things, then get


---- \SystemRoot\System32\Config\DEFAULT missing or corrupt.


Try a few things, then get


---- \SystemRoot\System32\Config\SECURITY missing or corrupt.


Try a few things, then get


---- "unknown Hard Error"


I am thinking the HD took a shit, don't have a scandisk disk. I am posting this from an ancient POS Windows 98 PC... any suggestions welcome.

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if you can ever get it to boot into safe mode put your XP cd in and STart/run: SFC /scannow


(there is a space between the C and forward slash.)


Maybe you could run that also with a command prompt?


This scans all the core files of windows and replaces them with the files off the disk if they are found to be corrupt. I was givin this by MS when I had a failure.


Maybe you tried this and it didn't work, just trying to help.

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Guest [ i v i ]

+1 on the hard drive crashing. Just had a 3 year old Sony VAIO with a Seagate drive crash on me 2 months ago. Lost everything and it did the same thing yours is doing. BTW, I've got a brand new Samsung 300GB HD sitting in front of me right now. Paid $120 for it, but would be willing to let it go for less. PM me if interested.


P.S. It has to operating system on it right now, brand new never used.

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