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Lost Planet

Dr. Apex

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What a sweet game, been playing it for a day and it's amazing. The premise is humans are attempting to colonize this frozen planet and discovers a native life form that has a form of thermal energy that can be harnessed. I need to get into the game further to understand the rest of the plot.


The graphics are unreal, the snow breaks away and crunches under your feet and the snow looks as real as any game I've ever seen. The fires and smoke from the explosions are very realistic and the structures crumble around you from large impacts like in real life. The way the character moves is excellent and looks very real and jumping into a VS is completely fluid and fast. The animation to the VS(mech) is smooth and again looks realistic as hell.


The controls are easy to figure out. Being able to run in one direction and fire and look in any other is very nice and the aiming is easy and spot on. The VS are easy to operate as well.


The only complaint so far is the game has been surprisingly easy, I have the difficulty set on the middle setting and I've only died once in the first 2 missions. I'll have to wait and see if the game gets harder.


This is a must own for the 360 if you even remotely like shooters!!

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It's not the same as Gow, it's a different type of shooter. It's not as guided as gow, you can roam a lot more and it has boss type battles at the end of each level and the use of mechs also.

If your not sure about it rent it first or play it at a friends. I had played the demo online before and knew I would like the game.

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