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Radar Detectors

Radio Flyer1647545514

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Why might I want to leave right now?


Because this shows that you are not only stupid, but dangerous as well.


Well main reason for asking is because I just got my license, got clocked at 85 almost but I cut over 4 lanes and took an exit, he did not pull after but I bet there was a cop down the road on 270. i dont want to get my license suspended and have to pay more insurance than I have to.


Is endangering everyone else on the road worth not getting a $100 speeding ticket? That insurance policy is not going to bring someone back from the dead.

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yeah no shit. Get your stoned un experiance ass off the fucking road.


I know its hard for me to say something cause i did something stupid. but you fucking brag like its the thing to do. Maybe in your ricer circle but not here.


We may at times exhibit speed on CR but we try to keep it to Semi safe locations with no one but ourselves that would be hurt if something went wrong. Your fucking ass cuts across lanes to prevent a ticket.


Do that to me you would find me behind you on the exit.


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Radio flyer kid is already driving wreckless.. You know how many of you little shits Ive written tickets to.. Youve got 2 years to go before you can actually accumulate points and have a buffer before getting suspended, why dont you stop driving like a dumbass now to save your own ass in the end?


Radar Detectors work great for lazy cops that leave their radar on constantly.. but for the smart ones that that just turn it on and off a split second later, we'll nail you ever time. Were normally really good about judging speed so not every car that drives by needs to be radared, so your detector wont always be able to pick up radar singnal from cars being speed measured way ahead of your travel direction. And if you get hit with laser, your done anyway if the officer wants you.

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Dragknee care to test the laser one ? Not speeding just a shot at my buddys car with the laser shifter?


I am seriously curious A what it reads when you shoot at it. and b if as it gets closer if you can hit it. Pure curiostiy not trying to be arrogant

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