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Radar Detectors

Radio Flyer1647545514

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i have a higher-end cobra...i think it was like $200. anyways, i like it. it has worked so far. but i definitely dont rely on it.


on the other hand, my boyfriend has a cheap cobra radar detector. it always has false alarms and it drives me crazy when i have to ride with him. :p

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V1 is awesome. Period. However, keep in mind, the best way to avoid a ticket if you insist on moving above the limit is to drive smart. Use your eyes, watch traffic ahead of you and speed smart....don't lead the pack.


I've never gotten a ticket with my V1 in the car and my brain alert. I bet I've avoided at least 50-75 tickets over the past few years just by doing the above.


When I have been caught?:


1. being stupid, not paying attention....felt it couldn't happen.

2. totally cruising at 80mph and just not paying attention

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Radar detector is worthless without one of these.




My car recently got broken into and the stoal my RMR detector/scrambler. I going to replace it with this and a Valentine One.


Whats nice is RMR has a 15 over policy, if you get a ticket for doing anything less than 15 over while using their product, they will pay the ticket.

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V1 is nice. But I prefer my Escort PASSPORT. I've yet to get a ticket with it just by paying attnetion to cars and hiding spots and listening to it when it chatters. The reason I prefer the passport is because if you want you can buy the LazerShifter which defends against laser. I've been in the car with my buddy zuht when hit with laser. Worked like a charm.


Bel also make a nice one. Its the same technology as the passport as escort owns bel now. or vice versa



good prices.

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I have a Passport 8500. Had I known about the Valentine one, I would have gotten that. There is a new one I just read report about that just out performed the V1. My Passport does a great job, and has tons of range. You can get one locally for around $300. V1's run $400, and can only be purchased through their web site last I knew. I would say this is one area you get what you pay for with the good name.


EDIT: Found it. Look into the Beltronics STI Driver. Report says, " it's the only radar/laser detector 100% immune to radar detector detectors". Runs about $450.

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I have a 6-7 year old Uniden, (I should replace it) I usually look ahead and avoid tickets. When I have been caught I was either going way to fast to slow to the limit but saw the cop before he saw me. (Joe was in the car) or I was not paying attention. I only realy use my dectector as a guide of when and if they ever did shoot me. I hate going by a cop and wondering if he or she was even shooting radar. Most of the time a cop goes by and he or she is just sittng there slowing traffic.
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Also I haven't passed a cop in the last 3 years that left his radar on, they "shoot" it now all the time (not point) so if you get a weak signal or "false" signal. Most likely it is that. When you get shot the dectector will let you know and it is very easy to tell between the two! The weak signal is your friend and makes you pay attention if you are smart. If you are daydreaming and it goes off a little most of the time it makes you look around which is a good thing.
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The Rocky Mountain stuff is pure junk. I have a great friend who works for Perry Township and for S&G's I bought one and we put it through all kinds of tests. Absolutely nailed me every time. IT PLAIN DOESN'T WORK.


Don't believe me and my tests....



IMO the reason they give the 15mph limit thing is becuase it greatly reduces the chances anyone will even use it. Most places don't even give points for anything under 10mph on the highway, so it's not likely you'll even get busted for that speed. I cruise at 74mph all the time and even when I've been lasered/nailed at that speed, I've yet to get stopped. Cops are usually looking for the 75+ drivers....but I suppose we should ask the ones here what their thoughts are.


If you're going 15mph over and using one of these cracker box toys, you'll likely see the cop or have a detector/combo unit and will be able to drop 5-7mph in speed, thus again, keeping you in the safe zone. It's a roll of the dice RMR takes.


However, if anyone wants to chance using it and actually testing it, I'll call my buddy and he'll gladly ante up his services. But I guarantee he'll put up a challenge that if it doesn't work, you eat the ticket. He can be a smart ass and I don't blame him at times.



I've got a cobra in my wifes car a 50$ cheapy and it has already saved her once from a KA trap by our house.


Who has used one of those rocky montain things? I want to get one if they work well.

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99/100 times the officer's been trained, the gun has been calibrated, and you're guilty.


Not true. My neighbor is a cop, thus the reason I know. He was using his gun for a year before he was trained. Richer cities like Dublin yes, the rest... nope


Edit: Oh, on the freeway 99/100 are trained. If you ever get clocked on the streets make sure they are properly trained to use it.

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I've gotten 2 tickets, first time was because I was tired and not paying attention, the second time it was at night and I'm pretty sure the cop got the wrong car, since he was using one of those passive radars that just scans everything, but i took the ticket and argued it down to a minor charge so i could keep a provisional license and not lose my job (i was under 18).


thread derailment: i hear that NO radar/laser jammers/scramblers work, even though they're illegal in some states. mythbusters did a thing on it, and i've seen numerous articles. anyone have a reputable article* saying otherwise?


*note: i don't want a story about this one time you and your friend were doing 115mph and passed a cop and he didn't come get you. thats anecdotal and stupid.

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Very true!!! But if its your first ticket, and you were clocked in a residential area its worth a shot.


And most radar detectors do not work as good as they advertise. They are legal in 49 states. The only catch is that in a few states its illegal to hang anything other than a rearview mirror on your windshield.

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Well main reason for asking is because I just got my license, got clocked at 85 almost but I cut over 4 lanes and took an exit, he did not pull after but I bet there was a cop down the road on 270. i dont want to get my license suspended and have to pay more insurance than I have to.
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Well main reason for asking is because I just got my license, got clocked at 85 almost but I cut over 4 lanes and took an exit, he did not pull after but I bet there was a cop down the road on 270. i dont want to get my license suspended and have to pay more insurance than I have to.

yeah you might just want to leave columbusracing right now.

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