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Chinese test missile obliterates satellite


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That's a good read. I guess we (USA) cannot be mad at them for developing a weapon that we have had at our disposal for twenty odd years.


By using this logic, we can not be mad at Iran for wanting nuclear weapons.


In my estimation, we have the technology, and we are not likely to use it, it is just there. Can we trust other counties and thier control methods as well?

Also, who is this technology a threat to? Prety much just the US. Given China is constantly trying to break into the DOD network http://www.gcn.com/print/25_25/41716-1.html I don't trust them any further tha I can throw them.

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By using this logic, we can not be mad at Iran for wanting nuclear weapons.


In my estimation, we have the technology, and we are not likely to use it, it is just there. Can we trust other counties and thier control methods as well?

Also, who is this technology a threat to? Prety much just the US. Given China is constantly trying to break into the DOD network http://www.gcn.com/print/25_25/41716-1.html I don't trust them any further tha I can throw them.

I understand your point. Let's play devils advocate. Who is to say that they want nuclear weapons, how do you know that they do not plan to use it for the purpose that they state, which is civilian.

Personally I don't think they should be allowed to have those capabilities. All I am saying is at times the US frowns down on countries for doing the same things that has or is doing.

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I understand your point. Let's play devils advocate. Who is to say that they want nuclear weapons, how do you know that they do not plan to use it for the purpose that they state, which is civilian.

Personally I don't think they should be allowed to have those capabilities. All I am saying is at times the US frowns down on countries for doing the same things that has or is doing.



Thats why we are considered the world's peace keeper.....

The US is ultimately held responsible for our involvement or *lack* of involvement in any other countries issues/ threats or otherwise.

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Damn. That took some balls. We will just have to send up new Satellites that have missle defense systems that can sense when one of these is coming their way. If we do that, and dont make it public that our satellites can not be touched, they will think they are about to screw us and really they wont be doing shit but wasting their time and money! Hell, maybe we already equipped our in orbit satellites with this technology as insurance in case any of our enemies got smart....
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