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How bout them Colts?


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I really don't like either of the Manning brothers. Yeah, Payton is a great QB, but like Marino, great QB's don't necessarily win championships. While Grossman is flighty, I think the Bears are a much more complete team, and deserve to win more. Oh well, here comes two weeks of slobbering over Payton's cock from Bristol, CT.
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IMO, Peyton deserves all the accolades they laude on him. He's been nothing but a hard working, modest, well-spoken, class act year in and year out. Not that anyone deserves to win a Super Bowl ring, but, if someone did, it would be him.


Not to mention a great actor in his hilarious skits for the NFL, I am also a strong supporter of Peyton. Guy deserves after the past couple years of failed attempts.

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Bears don't run a 3-4 defense, should be a good game...


If the Bears ran a 3-4 defense, I would without a doubt pick the Bears, Manning has MAJOR issues with a 3-4


but, it is going to be a push for me at this point




This is the defense that Chicago runs... if the Colt's line holds up, look for a LONG day for the Bears

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Fuck, Alex, how could anyone have a problem with Peyton Manning? Because he appears in a lot of tastefully done commercials and seems to be a genuinely marketable guy? Seriously, what the fuck. I'm having a hard time following your reasoning on this one.


And, I'll say it again (for DJ), no one "deserves" a Super Bowl ring, but, if someone did deserve one, it would be him.

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I don't know why everyone has a need do slurp up Manning's cock. I will admit over and over again that he's a GREAT quarterback. He absolutely deserves to be in the Hall of Fame and he's probably going to be considered one of the (if not THE) greatest quarterbacks of all time.


That doesn't mean I have to fucking like the guy.


Everyone who loves the NFL recognizes that Shawne Merriman is a great linebacker, regardless of if he did a shit ton of steroids or not. No requirement that you love him.


I'm just saying, I really dislike the way he's made his career choices outside of football. Is that something to villainize me about?


You know who I love? Chad Johnson. The most he's ever done on TV is the Fathead commercials, his "antics" that he constantly gets fined for are more or less harmless ("Ocho Cinco" on his jersey, custom designed graphics on his shoes showing TD catches he's made). He's a genuine goofball that predicted outcomes of games based on absolutely nothing more than his inflated ego. But he did it with a sense of humor, and he didn't whore himself out for meaty endorsement contracts nearly as much as Manning did.

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