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Son asks for a Cell phone


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man its because you live in gahanna. every fucking kid has one there. and they dont need them. a kid really doesnt need a phone until hes 16 and driving. because he will need the phone if his car breaks down, runs outta gas, etc. but they dont need one until then
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Heres how it was when I was 13: I never had my own cell phone, however I would borrow my mom or dad's when I would go out with friends. I got my own cell phone when I was a freshman in high school, and it was a hand me down of my mom's old one and I wasnt allowed to take it anywhere but when I went out. It wasnt until late, late, late sophomore year, maybe the summer before Junior year, that I got my own.


Short answer: dont buy him one until you feel he actually needs it, it is obvious he just wants one to show off right now.

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I didn't get my cell phone til i was 16, and even then my parents had me paying for all my overages and shit.



A cell phone costs a lot of money and requires a 1 or 2 year committment in most cases. A butterfly knife will make him the coolest kid in 7th grade and he'll know how to defend himself.

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I got my first cellphone when I was out of high school. I have a child due in April, but I'm sure 13 years from now it'll be a little different and I'll just have to see how things are then. Although if I had to do it now I wouldn't get my kid a cell phone, possibily a spare phone on a family plan that they could take when they went out, not something they could use to talk to friends or show off at school.
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+1 against the pussification of America. In a third world country I bet you would be asking us if you should let the kid have a machete so he can defend himself against snakes when he goes out. :D


It's funny you say that because it seems like everything third world country I have been to, "EVERY" kid has a cell phone. They don't have a place to sleep, shoes on there feet or food to eat but they have a cell phone.... :D





IMO....NO KID NEEDS A CELL PHONE (short of a medical condition)! What ever happened to calling your parents and checking in? Going to *blanks* house and calling when you get there or are about to leave? What idiot parent drops a bunch of kids off somewhere they shouldn't be anyway? At that age, if your car/bike....whatever breaks down, walk your ass to a pay phone. As a parent you should know where your kids are and what they are doing at all times. If you don't, YOU FAILED!


Might as well get him a credit card as well..... :rolleyes:

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True story...my son who just turned 4 asked me the other day if he could get a real cell phone (he has a fake one)for his next B-day, when he turns 5 (as he's holding up 5 fingers).


I say if the kid is responsible enough and you are able afford it, then yeah the kid should have a cell phone. What you want to keep in mind is that every situation is different. My niece and nephew who are very active in sports and other activites have had a cell phone since they were 9 years old. Here's the difference, it's no big deal to them or if anything a hassle to them to have to take it with them and they are responsible enough to take care of it and not abuse or use it when it's not needed.


The whole, "I used to walk 10 miles in snow, up hill everyday to get to school and I didn't need no damn cell phone" is like blah blah blah to me.


To each his own.

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Then you havn't been there much. It's never been a very graceful place. Plus, what would a 13 year old be doing at Otterbein? Frat party? On second thought better get him a phone, might as well give him some condoms and a foam dome while you're at it.


I'm jumping in on this late, but, I don't care. You sir need to just stop talking about things you don't know. Please inform me about how my brother, sister, father, and I lived our entire lives 300 yards from the middle of Otterbein yet never knew it was a bad place. Let's see, 13 yrs old I was riding my bike around otterbein most every day (and many nights). Until very recently there has never been anything to worry about on campus. Hell, my grandma lives on campus alone and has never had one single problem. But, you know it all so thanks for letting me know we were unsafe all these years :asshole:


Anyway, I agree with Buck.'s decision. Only once did I 'need' to use my phone to call someone for help and I was not 13. I shredded my leg after snapping my bike chain riding BMX, I couldn't have made it home. I say let hom get a job when he's 14 and he can get a phone then.

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we got Alissa (who is 9) a go phone for christmas... put 20 dollars on it.... she now doesn't care about it and we have no idea where it's at.... it's just a fad for the kids... they have no reason for one... I don't care what you say about safety or whatever.... if someone is going to snatch up the kid, they are probably going to do it while the kid is rummaging through their bookbag to find the dang thing.
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I'm jumping in on this late, but, I don't care. You sir need to just stop talking about things you don't know. Please inform me about how my brother, sister, father, and I lived our entire lives 300 yards from the middle of Otterbein yet never knew it was a bad place. Let's see, 13 yrs old I was riding my bike around otterbein most every day (and many nights). Until very recently there has never been anything to worry about on campus. Hell, my grandma lives on campus alone and has never had one single problem. But, you know it all so thanks for letting me know we were unsafe all these years :asshole:


Anyway, I agree with Buck.'s decision. Only once did I 'need' to use my phone to call someone for help and I was not 13. I shredded my leg after snapping my bike chain riding BMX, I couldn't have made it home. I say let hom get a job when he's 14 and he can get a phone then.

It's funny that I never used the word "unsafe" or a "bad place." I was stating that the LJ guy was saying that Otterbein wasn't safe all the time and I was pointing out that it was odd to send a kid to a college campus alone.


Now, I'll go find my world's smallest violin and play it for you.

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It's funny that I never used the word "unsafe" or a "bad place." I was stating that the LJ guy was saying that Otterbein wasn't safe all the time and I was pointing out that it was odd to send a kid to a college campus alone.


Now, I'll go find my world's smallest violin and play it for you.


Your IQ isn't very high is it?


Then you havn't been there much. It's never been a very graceful place.


and if you had any type of reading comprehension or the skills necessary to comprehend ideas, you would realize that I wasn't saying anything about sending a kid to a college campus by themselves, I was making a point that crime can happen anywhere....


good lord...

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I'm jumping in on this late, but, I don't care. You sir need to just stop talking about things you don't know. Please inform me about how my brother, sister, father, and I lived our entire lives 300 yards from the middle of Otterbein yet never knew it was a bad place. Let's see, 13 yrs old I was riding my bike around otterbein most every day (and many nights). Until very recently there has never been anything to worry about on campus. Hell, my grandma lives on campus alone and has never had one single problem. But, you know it all so thanks for letting me know we were unsafe all these years :asshole:


Anyway, I agree with Buck.'s decision. Only once did I 'need' to use my phone to call someone for help and I was not 13. I shredded my leg after snapping my bike chain riding BMX, I couldn't have made it home. I say let hom get a job when he's 14 and he can get a phone then.


Where did you guys live?

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You replied to this post.


I don't agree with that.... You would think that Otterbein would be a safe place, private college, good police presence, nice neighborhood. 5 armed robberies in the past month


Now, although you never used the words "bad" or "unsafe", you implied it based on the context. You replied to someone saying the campus was essentially safe by saying it was "never graceful". Interesting that you type a reply contrary to his post but yet you weren't calling it unsafe? You didn't throw in any modifiers such like; "It isn't always graceful" or "even seemingly safe places have their ungraceful times". Now go use your violin.

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Your IQ isn't very high is it?




and if you had any type of reading comprehension or the skills necessary to comprehend ideas, you would realize that I wasn't saying anything about sending a kid to a college campus by themselves, I was making a point that crime can happen anywhere....


good lord...


I understood what you wrote.


*SHOCKED* Crime can happen anywhere? Even on a fucking COLLEGE CAMPUS? Are you serious?


Now I must find my violin.

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I understood what you wrote.


*SHOCKED* Crime can happen anywhere? Even on a fucking COLLEGE CAMPUS? Are you serious?


Now I must find my violin.


no you didn't


Either that or you are just EXTREMELY immature

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no you didn't


Either that or you are just EXTREMELY immature

I really am missing what reasoning you have to use insults such as calling me immature or having a low IQ. Nothing warrants it. Yes, I understand crime happens everywhere. But there are much better examples of sending a kid somewhere where they might need a cell phone.


Back to topic: I'm an immature, mental-defective asshole and cellphones for little kids still = ftl.

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I really am missing what reasoning you have to use insults such as calling me immature or having a low IQ. Nothing warrants it. Yes, I understand crime happens everywhere. But there are much better examples of sending a kid somewhere where they might need a cell phone.


Back to topic: I'm an immature, mental-defective asshole and cellphones for little kids still = ftl.


that is the thing you do not get, I never used Otterbein as an example of sending a kid somewhere where they may need a cell phone. Obviously the example went completely over your head, like I have tried to explain many many times, but you keep coming back to me trying to say a kid would need to go there. Mind you, Otterbein is in the middle of uptown Westerville, next to a large park, so 13 year old kids commuting past the campus would not be all that weird, it actually happens all the time. But you already knew everything about Otterbein...

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that is the thing you do not get, I never used Otterbein as an example of sending a kid somewhere where they may need a cell phone. Obviously the example went completely over your head, like I have tried to explain many many times, but you keep coming back to me trying to say a kid would need to go there. Mind you, Otterbein is in the middle of uptown Westerville, next to a large park, so 13 year old kids commuting past the campus would not be all that weird, it actually happens all the time. But you already knew everything about Otterbein...

No child should ever be put into a situation to need a cellphone for emergenices. Crime can happen anywhere, yes. But what sensible parent would let a child be somewhere by themself or with friends if they aren't supervised and could possibly be in danger?

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