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Son asks for a Cell phone


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No child should ever be put into a situation to need a cellphone for emergenices. Crime can happen anywhere, yes. But what sensible parent would let a child be somewhere by themself or with friends if they aren't supervised and could possibly be in danger?


I don't think it's fair to assume parenting is at fault when a child is in a dangerous situation. A parent can't be there 24/7 (or at least shouldn't be there). Kids get themselves in situations that the parents are completely unaware of. Part of growing up is learning from our mistakes; dangerous or not we need to live them. I think a lot of situations can be avoided by good parenting, but, kids will get themselves in predicaments where a cell phone may be a useful tool.

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I wouldn't get a kid who is 131 a cell phone that is to young IMO. I think that once they get a job I might consider getting them a prepay phone so they can't go over their minutes.


Wow! 131 years old! woah. However, 131 is my house number.. :).

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I don't think a Child should have a phone until they can afford it and have their own credit established. I didn't get a phone until I was 21-22 and I hate the fucking thing. I never had one growing up. if I got hurt guess what I walked it off and got my ass home.


I get tired of going to Easton or even out in public and seeing kids walking around with that damn thing attached to their heads like it was the old school brace face harness that kids with braces worn in the 1980's


Shawn good for you dont get him one he's not old enough IMHO .

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I don't think it's fair to assume parenting is at fault when a child is in a dangerous situation. A parent can't be there 24/7 (or at least shouldn't be there). Kids get themselves in situations that the parents are completely unaware of. Part of growing up is learning from our mistakes; dangerous or not we need to live them. I think a lot of situations can be avoided by good parenting, but, kids will get themselves in predicaments where a cell phone may be a useful tool.


Got to disagree on this one, sorry. I believe it's totally fair to blame parents for their children to be in a bad / dangerous situation. Here's why, if you number one not oonly know where your kid is, but how he/she is with and know something about that person as well. This is the one that everyone seems to forget. Being able to say that your kid is out running with Charles Manson then try to claim your not at fault when they catch Jr body parts rotting in the trunk of their car. You are suppost to be a parent and not let them run with Manson to begin with, this is the part that eludes people. Second part of the parent being at fault is that you are suppost to raise your child to know right and wrong to begin with so they don't want to run with Manson to begin with. And number three, as a parent you are suppost to teach a child to call home and get picked up and not make bad choices that their friends are making. My son is 17, and I never have had to go get him at a party because his buddies were drinking, but he knows to call if that happens. I walked a couple times as a kid, or caught a ride with someone else because the people I was out with decided to drink. I would never have a part in drinking myself, so I didn't attend many of those partys anyhow.


Either way, your parents are responsible for you till you are 18, and in reality even after that. You can raise them to be productive or you can raise them to be criminals.


I do conceed that when a kid gets a car and a job, then a phone is a requirement, but in the days of prepaid phones it's a tool to teach additional responsibility. My son is learning that now the really hard way. He decided to spin a bearing in my tracker, then not call home when the motor started ticking. When he did get it home it was knocking like the hammers of hell and then pitched a rod through the side of the block.

He didn't call home and I took the motor out of his tracker to put into mine.


BTW< anyone got a 89 to 92 Geo Tracker with a bad head around??????

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I'll agree with a lot of what you say Desperado. My main point is just that kids will put themselves in "dangerous" (I use the word loosely) situations. Sometimes you just are unable to know where your child is at all times, kids can be especially good at manipulation. A huge part of this IS parenting however it also involves trust which may lead a parent to believe a child's lie about where they may be going or what they may be doing. The child however will make the ultimate decision whether or not to put themselves in a situation that they know (unbeknownst to you) may be "dangerous".


I think a major part in this argument is age which we have neglected to address fully. Different ages call for different levels of parenting. As a kid gets older, their whereabouts become more difficult to track accurately. The hardest part about placing blame is that it must be decided on a case by case basis.

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i agree with both sides. some kids are dumb, but what can ya do lock them up? i know from a personal experience. a friend(hal) and i were walking home. i desided to jump off a table which was dumb and i broke my ankle. i only had a 2 week window to break it due to the growth stage it was in(how was i to know). if hal wouldnt have had his cell phone i would have been stuck there while he ran home. but since he had a cell phone we just called. and come on what kid isnt going to get into a "dangerous" situation. shit get a family plan and give him 50 mins if that. that cost what $10-15 a month+$50 for phone....
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I know i didnt get a cell phone untill i was almost 17 and I had had a job for more than a year, saving half of every pay check. I did well in school, and never got into any real trouble so my mom picked up the measly $20 bill... but the use was only to call her or my dad. I didnt start using it for everything untill i was 19 and in college, 100 miles away from home.
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