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Anti-Squid Package: This or That? With Pricing


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Yea, I'm to the point where I'm trying to figure out how to put the boots on in my suit, and all the stuff that you're a natural at now. So I'm a long way from the back protector.

The first thing the girlfriend said was, "How do you go the bathroom in that?" --- I didn't have an answer. Hold it I suppose.

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lol my gf was laughing at me watching me do the "dance" to get into the suit.

ok well what i do is this, its similar yet different for everyone.

get my legs in and up to where they need to be on my waist, don't zip it up yet or get into the arms. now zip down your ankle and put on your boots. and then put the rest of your suit on like you normally would.

i made that mistake countless times before i realized i could just put my boots on halfway through... still do it nowadays from time to time.

if im not riding ill just take the arms out and let it hang by my waist. a little more comfortable when resting, and this usually gives me enough room to go to the bathroom...

the hardest part for me actually was figuring a new way to get the suit on when i got my back protector. doing it the way i had done it for a few months just made the protector slide up and hit my neck. now its even more awkward looking to put it all on... but its worth it.

Edited by natedogg624
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