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video editing ?s


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my computer sucks balls at it right now.

i just did a fresh format, and im using vegas video, cause i figured it would be less exhausting on my pc than ulead. well turns out it doesnt matter. jsut transfering the video to my pc kills it.


my specs.


hp pavillion a1000n

intel celeron 2.93ghz

512 mb ram

whatever video card it came with

windows vista



what do i need to be able to edit video without my machine locking up.


also what kind of ram do i need. i could never figure it out.

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I would say at least 1-2 Gig of RAM. Also upgrade your video card. If I remember right, they recommend a 256MB video card for vista. The upgraded video card will also help speed things up with the video editing. And a high buffer for your HDD will help too.
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