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I HATE collection's Agency's


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When you setup a payment method with a company you take it for granted that they will 1.Take out the correct amount 2.That the agreed upon amount at the agreed upon time, and in a timely manner. I've setup payment's with this company since July, paid a rediculous amount monthly in order to just pay off the debt which I never argued wasn't mine. All I said was I wanted the funds taken out on the 16th and they can't even get that right. I've had them as late as 15 days!!!! I work at a bank, if I'm ever 15 days late on something Im screwed. Yet these people go on like nothing's wrong. "well you should've taken the money out anyway","it was taken out, by you, then you took the same funds out again a month later". This month their A MONTH LATE! Rather than taking out the December payment on, what else, the 16 OF DECEMBER, they take it out on the 16 of JANUARY, Then take January's payment out on the 25th!!! I feel like im getting screwed and there's nothing I can do about it. And their excuse is that it's the attorney general's office' fault, that they actually take out the funds and present it to OSU Med. which i guess takes a month now. I work at a bank, we have 24 hours to present a check and take funds out as soon as said check is actually presented to a bank. I've never been so mad over something I feel like i have no control over.


On top of that, I asked for some sort of confirmation number('s) from my previous 7 payment's that were paid on time and in full and she say's there isn't any. When I responded with "well what if there is some question about the true payoff amount and proof of any payments thereof". "there won't be" fuckin' bullshit.


Oh and before anyone gives me shit about "well you shouldn't be in debt in the first place" or "just pay your stuff and this wont happen" I dont want to hear it. I have no problem's being a responsible adult and paying things on time and not getting into debt. These are old medical bills that were incurred when I tried to join the Army, when they said I was too much of a liability b/c of a family history of heart condition's, despite the fact that i passed all the tests with flying colors. I was stuck with the 3300$ bill from OSU, not them. Its one thing to rack up thousand's in unneeded credit card bills buying toys but that's not the case this time.

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Have you checked into a hardship grant? I know places like Mt. Carmel and St. Ann's do it if you can prove you have low enough income, and they pay the bill based on donations.


I would feel like im taking money away from people who really need it. It's not the fact that i can't pay it, on the contrary. I had no problem paying the 360/month bill for 6 month's, then the double payment of 200.88 just this month. The only reason why I took the payments down is b/c my trans blew up in the contour and I had to buy a new car (ie, car payment).


Its the principle that as a company they can't get their shit straight. I've gotten my balance down to 1046.63 which I am thinking i'll just pay off with my tax refund just to get out of this mess. (instead of putting a down payment on a bike:( ) Then again I've heard of horror stories of people who have paid off their balance's and still been charged there after, and even after it was paid off it wasn't taken off their credit report. Paying the debt isn't the problem, life fucks you over sometimes, it's just the way that things are panning out really pisses me off. the whole, "this is the way it is whether you like it or not" attitude makes me mad.

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