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I had nasal surgery and main that hurt about as bad as my back surgery. I seriously thought my face was going to explode. They cautorized one of my turbates and fixed my deviated septum. I feel for you. I slept in our recliner for 10 days.


Did you have yours done off bethel road/315 at that clinic ? My Dr. drives the silver 911 turbo...go figure.




Surgery for severe sleep apnea, my Oxy gets in the 80’s at night, Had a deviated septum corrected, uvula removed with surrounding tissue and my Tonsils and adenoids removed. PAIN! I'm 31!
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They cautorized one of my turbates and fixed my deviated septum. I feel for you. I slept in our recliner for 10 days.


Did you have yours done off bethel road/315 at that clinic ? My Dr. drives the silver 911 turbo...go figure.


They did both of my turbinates and fixed my septum (it actually bent one way at the bottom and the opposite at the top, it was S shaped). That did hurt far more than expected. Mine was at the surgery center on Bethel road as well.

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I had nasal surgery and main that hurt about as bad as my back surgery. I seriously thought my face was going to explode. They cautorized one of my turbates and fixed my deviated septum. I feel for you. I slept in our recliner for 10 days.


Did you have yours done off bethel road/315 at that clinic ? My Dr. drives the silver 911 turbo...go figure.


No I had DR Hood do mine. He has a 20 year track record and has done over 4000 plus of these. He normally does them at New Albany as Outpatient. But my nose and age required an overnight stay so it was done at Doctors West. Hood is good but never ever will I set foot in doctors west Hosp.


I had my packing removed yesterday morning. This has been the most pain free part that has been done so far! :lol: When I walked out to the waiting room, people had a horrified look on their face from hearing a Grown Man Scream in pain twice. I better sleep like a freakin baby later, if not, this might be the dumbest thing I ever decided to do in my life.


I found out that Percocet is way better than Oxycontin. That was a 12 hr mistake that was the second worst decision of my life. I don't know why so many people abuse the piece of shit drug. Call me Favre, It is going to be hard to give "perks" up and now I know why he took them.


My wife is an RN. If she wasn't there for me with the skills she had, I would have taken a whole bottle and ended it. I have never felt pain like this for such an extended amount of time. If some one wants you to have any of this stuff done as adult please PM me, I will help you decide. I never would have done this if I knew in hindsight what I am actually going through. Heed my warning!


I just want to go for a drive in my dirty car.

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I was told I needed surgery for that 3 years ago. I declined and told them to just keep giving me medicine. I JUST got over a sinus infection in late November.. NOW I have it again and it's f'n killing me. I think this year I'll finally get it done. Every 3-4 months of this shit fucking sucks.. I have to take 2-3 days off of work normally every couple months cause it's painfull. I have what they call "acute sinutitus".
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If you see me you may change your mind. I thought being home alone would be no big deal and man was I wrong. Keep that in mind. I wanted to go back to work monday and my DR bitch slaped me and said oh no you are not done yet. I haven't taken a shit since Thursday night. (1/25) the night before my surgery.
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I know what you mean. My surgery was on a Monday and on Wednesday I called my Dr. in some horrific pain and seriously thinking of the emergency room. He casually said that the pain/pressure was normal...once that packing was removed....Oh my it hurt. :cry:


When I said he hadn't mentioned this type / level of pain, he laughed and said, he did that unpurpose as if I knew, I wouldn't have gotten the procedure :eek:


I took 4 days off and figured I'd be back on Friday to wrap up what I missed at work. Wrong!! I was off work 10 days.


I absolutely would do it again though. I was 60% blocked and now I swear I have a Power Adder in my nose helping me breath. I've had 2 colds in the past two years, niegther of which even phased me. I used carry kleenex around with me all the time. Now I can go weeks without even sneezing or blowing my nose.


Pain sucked, but the results are short of a miracle for me.



If you see me you may change your mind. I thought being home alone would be no big deal and man was I wrong. Keep that in mind. I wanted to go back to work monday and my DR bitch slaped me and said oh no you are not done yet. I haven't taken a shit since Thursday night. (1/25) the night before my surgery.
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I know what you mean. My surgery was on a Monday and on Wednesday I called my Dr. in some horrific pain and seriously thinking of the emergency room. He casually said that the pain/pressure was normal...once that packing was removed....Oh my it hurt. :cry:


When I said he hadn't mentioned this type / level of pain, he laughed and said, he did that unpurpose as if I knew, I wouldn't have gotten the procedure :eek:


I took 4 days off and figured I'd be back on Friday to wrap up what I missed at work. Wrong!! I was off work 10 days.


I absolutely would do it again though. I was 60% blocked and now I swear I have a Power Adder in my nose helping me breath. I've had 2 colds in the past two years, niegther of which even phased me. I used carry kleenex around with me all the time. Now I can go weeks without even sneezing or blowing my nose.


Pain sucked, but the results are short of a miracle for me.


Man I hope the results are the same for me.

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hah.. we hi-jacked the shit out of this dirty car thread :).


If I had a sinus infection once a year, I'd be content with this. But fucking EVERY 3-4 months? There goes my 6 days sick time for the year and some vacation as I burn up the sick time.


This is it. I'm going to get it done this year. I know it'll be painful. There's 5-6 people at work who have had it and they all said it worked.

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I don't need surgery, but, you guys think you have it bad? I died from sleep apnea! Ok, I was a baby but still it must've sucked; especially being hooked up to some machine that beeped insanely every time I stopped breathing. My mom says fry machines at McDonalds still freak her out 'cause of the beeping. Luckily I grew out of it, I don't want to have that kind of surgery.
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Surgery for severe sleep apnea, my Oxy gets in the 80’s at night, Had a deviated septum corrected, uvula removed with surrounding tissue and my Tonsils and adenoids removed. PAIN! I'm 31!

I was gonna ask you how that was going man, enjoy the narcotics, enjoooooy!

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You guys are whiners, I had that surgery done when I was seventeen. I didn't even take most the pills, that way I could take them when my nose wasn't packed with gauze and bleeding profusely.


They are better when your not in pain :D

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Having this done as a teen vs a 30 year old is completely different. Your tonsils get larger and deeper into you neck the older you get; also you heal a lot faster at 17 than 30. Trust me, I ain't bein' a baby. This fuckin' sucks. At least I shit this morning for the first time since 1/25. I haven't had a decent thing to eat in over a week. I bet you ate yesterday at dinner and had more calories at dinner than I have consumed all week. It hurts to eat ANYTHING, water, frozen yogurt, chicken noodle soup you name it. God what I wouldn't give to eat a Carson’s rack of ribs and a baked Potato with the works and a freakin’ coke and be able to enjoy it and not feel pain swallowing or nauseated afterward! The thing is that I can use the lack of calories; I could go for a long time! :o However I don't think I am getting any smaller! :mad:
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I need to have some excess tissue in my throat removed (uvulva?) at some point and was thinking about doing the septum at the same time since it is deviated and my sinuses dont drain properly, but your posting is making me re-consider.


That is exactly what I had done except they took my tonsils and adnoids also.


Today is the first day I felt pretty good, I actually slept for 9 hrs for the first time last night from 4 am to 2 pm. I could only sleep for 3-4 hrs and wake up because of pain since the surgery. As far as I can tell I can't snore anymore (my wife says it is completely gone.) I can breathe through my nose and it fells like breathing through your mouth, no restriction, no noise, and no effort. I also haven't had a plugged nose with snot, it doen't go from one side to the other depending on what side you lay on. It is so nice. I wonder how much more active I can be and stuff now that I can breathe. Time will tell, I am starting to think this was a good idea. The recovery time is just so horrible. I bet by next week I will say it was very worth it.


The best advice that I have is have someone stay around you during the first week of recovery. My wife got me through a lot. She is an RN and was able to do special things like start and run IV drips at home when I was having a hard day of swallowing that way I wouldn't get dehydrated. Dehydration sucks during this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Try a kidney stone with a twisted ureter(the tube running from the kidney to the bladder), I've had one on each kidney. You skip the percocets and go straight for the Morphine! That was bar none the worst pain I've ever been in. I can only imagine the pain being in your head/neck,. Hope you're better now.
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