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Anyone see smokin aces?

Guest GMoney

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Oh no. Bring on the super rock and roll killers and the 2 sluts and the no finger man. What a plot.


That guy had fingers. No wonder you didn't like the movie....


I bet you people didn't like the Kill Bill movies either, because you thought they weren't realistic. :o

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Just so any of you fucktards who are thinking of going and seeing this movie know, I'd classify this movie as a comedy with a bunch of shit blowing up. You're a gay Mormon if you don't like that. Don't expect to go see the God Father.


Three post in a row on purpose ftmfw.

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Just saw this movie, maybe you guys saw something else. This one was fucking great, and I can't wait to see it again.


Another smart person has joined this thread. Rejoice Err. You should come live on the moon with us where everyone isn't as dumb as these people.



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I saw it a few nights ago. I didn't think it was horrible but it certainly isn't gonna be nominated for best picture. The .50 cal rifle was pretty cool, why those guys were firing hand guns w/o looking across that long of a distance was pretty laughable.
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I saw it a few nights ago. I didn't think it was horrible but it certainly isn't gonna be nominated for best picture. The .50 cal rifle was pretty cool, why those guys were firing hand guns w/o looking across that long of a distance was pretty laughable.



the whole movie was laughable!

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