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Wrecked My Truck tonight!!


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Hey there DICK FUCK you do realize that inside that small town of your is a place called the world and there are more people there than just you... I have family in that small world and I love them, if your stupidity would have even remotely harmed them in any way you would need more than a few parts for your POS truck.....


So quite thinking your cool and drive like a person with responsibility

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Hey there DICK FUCK you do realize that inside that small town of your is a place called the world and there are more people there than just you... I have family in that small world and I love them, if your stupidity would have even remotely harmed them in any way you would need more than a few parts for your POS truck.....


So quite thinking your cool and drive like a person with responsibility

WOW , your a tuff guy !! and you know alot about the world and small towns .

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Assholes like you that make our insurance go up. I would laugh if your insurance company sees your post on a public forum that you were racing your truck in the snow. They might find a way to get out of paying for your damages, then you wouldn't be laughing any more.


no they would pay for the damages since he was not sited for racing or reckless op they would have no way to prove it.

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Hey there DICK FUCK you do realize that inside that small town of your is a place called the world and there are more people there than just you... I have family in that small world and I love them, if your stupidity would have even remotely harmed them in any way you would need more than a few parts for your POS truck.....


So quite thinking your cool and drive like a person with responsibility


are you kidding....

first, we were in a parking lot with NOONE there except the involved party.its not like we were drifting through school zones at 65 at 3pm.. If your faimly was just chillin in the coop parking lot at 1030 at night in 8degree weather in the snow then you might have reason to post dick comments. you were prolly miles away with your family in your warm house safe and sound.

second, you drive a 89 dodge..like me..you have no room to call an 05 f-250 a pos


PS your on a racing fourm...you streetrace, then bitch about someone hitting a pole in a vacant parking lot...seriously..delete your account here sell the shelby and buy a minivan with a baby on board sticker.

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Hey there DICK FUCK you do realize that inside that small town of your is a place called the world and there are more people there than just you... I have family in that small world and I love them, if your stupidity would have even remotely harmed them in any way you would need more than a few parts for your POS truck.....


So quite thinking your cool and drive like a person with responsibility


obviously you never had done anything stupid in the snow. which would explain your post right?


secondly would you care to explain why you would have your family out on a bad weather night in a empty parking lot that has not been plowed?

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Damn people, the guy goes out and has some fun, makes a mistake and most everyone is being a dick about it.....


Most everyone on here is or was guilty of some horseplay of this type at some point in their lives, give the man a break. The interesting thing is this was being done in an empty parking lot, whereas most of the street racing that some people on here do happens on public roads with families in their cars.....this is commonly known as Hipocracy!!

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WOW, glad you're okay....not sure anyone else really cares, but that's what counts. We've all had fun, we've all pushed the edge and regardless of the message board, things like this happen and bring out the pro's and con's / good and bad. Ironically if it wasn't for the wreck, I'm sure the photos and vid's would have many of the same folks saying it was cool and great job, yadda, yadda....so don't sweat the small stuff.


Thankfully the group that went out did it with some respect to the safety of others as it was in a huge open lot. 65mph was a bit fast in my book, but then it's your truck and you must have bigger balls than me.


I went out yesterday too with some customers/friends. Had a blast running some cones they had set up. None of us had a camera or video though, but it was fun and safe mind you. FWD'ers can drift, that I know.


Best thing that came of it for me is that I have a whole new respect for Stability Control and all the safety features my ride has. When I move to a RWD car, I won't buy it unless it has it. Had to get her up to about 45mph before physics took over and pushed the arc of the curves outside the cones, but it was nice still having complete control....enough so that I was able to follow the arc on the outside of the cones just fine :)



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Hypocrisy, is the best word in this thread. The guy posts it for entertainment value. And isn't complaining about his truck a bit. I saw him get out of the truck, his words were " that sucked, but I think it's ok". Even when it happened he was cool with it. He got the truck out looked at the damage and was HAPPY. It could have been worse and he knew it. He kept the truck away from everyone else and turned it at the last minute the lessen the damage and impact. Sure, he should have slowed down earlier. Lesson learned. But, to sit here and hit the guy over the head about being in a vacant parking lot at 10:30 at night doesn't make much sense. He over drove the truck. He knows it.
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Man it was a Mistake. no one was endangered any more other then himself. no one was hurt. We all had a short laugh and went on. Everyone who was out had a good time. 1 small issue but still.


I could see if we were playing DK on the streets.



BTW Joe, do you have more video?

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This guy is also a father. If he endangers himself he is also endangering his daugther. If he were to get hurt and not be able to work it could have far reaching effects in his daughter's life. So as a parent you always have to think about what you are doing and how it would effect others in your life. Do you have control of your own life? Sure you do, but you need to be mindfull of what you are doing.


I don't think the name calling is appropriate, but neither is the defending of ones actions when they clearly have a further reaching effect than just to him.

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Powers if you would like to discuss the safety of my daughter to me...come to my house..but I must worn you, you will not be safe. I live in powell too,stop on by.Never bring someones family into anything, you dont know me or my situation.How dare you bring up my daughter dont you think i fucking know this...dont u think as my wife threatens to leave me and take my daughter form me today that I fucking realize this.I have a real problem with what you said. And I highly suggest that if you see me coming you turn around and walk the other way


Dude are you fucking kidding me?


You take the most offense to everything from anybody I have ever seen.


He said you need to think about these things. When did he say anything negative about you or your daughter in that statement?

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Powers if you would like to discuss the safety of my daughter to me...come to my house..but I must worn you, you will not be safe. I live in powell too,stop on by.Never bring someones family into anything, you dont know me or my situation.How dare you bring up my daughter dont you think i fucking know this...dont u think as my wife threatens to leave me and take my daughter form me today that I fucking realize this.I have a real problem with what you said. And I highly suggest that if you see me coming you turn around and walk the other way

What I said was in no way ment to be upsetting. Rather I was stating to all those who say that what you do effects no one else. You said you realize that so perhaps in the future you will say to yourself"perhaps I shouldn't be here".


As far as your threat that I shouldn't walk near you that is really uncalled for. You need to calm down and think a little more before typing. So what was it that I said that was so offensive?

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