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There was a great article in USA today a week ago comparing the different online trading companies. Included Etrade as well as other's. It seem's where there is a great benefit with one there's always a drawback. I think Etrade has a really high interest rate on saving accounts but they charge a bit more per trade. Some Companies charge per trade, some a monthly charge as long as you don't go over a set limit. I have the article at home, I'll see if I can link it or just copy some of the info for you. 3


If you are thinking about trading online I HIGHLY suggest Jim Kramer's book, "mad money". You've probably seen his show's on tv. Rather than trying to sell a product he seem's genuinly interested in being/making good trader's and smart investments. I've only read about half of it but it's pretty interesting stuff. I'll have to read it a 2nd and 3rd time to understand all of it though.

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Cool, thats the kind of stuff I"m looking for. I need to get back at the markets. I started to years ago and then I met my wife and was busy dating her for years until we got married. Now that I"m all settled in again I think I'll try to do something with my time.

Not looking for the big time at this point just a way to manage the funds without it costing to much. From what I've read so far on etrades website they charge their fee and it doesn't seem to bad, but I just wanna find the cheapest way to go about only having a couple of funds and moving them every few months so I won't be doing alot of transactions. Still trying to figure out if etrades charges quarterly or annually they for obvious reasons don't make it to clear on their site.



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