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she's a squirter


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I have slipped one past the goalie. My skillz speak for themselves. I am married. Most women don't marry men that are bad in bed. I am not rich either, she makes more money than me, you do the math. :cool:;)

doing the math could = that she is ugly


not saying she is ive never seen her.

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You can be good in bed, hell you can be great in bed, doesn't effect the squirt at all. It's not the guy it's the girl. Obviously none of us knows for sure what was coming out in that video..could be urine, could be water, could be cg, as for myself, I know that women can squirt, and that just because they do does not make it urine. Also, since we're on the subject...just because you have anal sex with a woman does not mean you will end up with shit on your shit, whether she has had an enema or not. Maybe that's the case on brokeback mountain, but I don't do guys so I can't speak to that.
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Sorry SpaceGhost but you are incorrect. One of my lady friends is a squirter, not 3 feet like that girl, but she will squirt about 12" or so and it is not urine. Her urine is yellow and that has absolutely no color or taste whatsoever. It's kinda interesting the first few times, but like verse said, you learn to keep towels next to the bed. Also, she's a L&D RN so she keeps a birthing pad near the bed and that keeps the bed dry.


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she married you for your taste in cars ;) now I don't know if girls actually can, but I do know that personally, the only one I want squirting anything in my bedroom is me. I'll stick to the wild sounds and moves that signify I've "nailed it" just right.


IMO there could be the real deal out there, but 99.9% of this crap on the web and in movies is BS.....just like the knock-out teens getting nailed by nasty #$CKED up looking guys......they don't really like it and moan in pleasure.....it's FAKE!


I have slipped one past the goalie. My skillz speak for themselves. I am married. Most women don't marry men that are bad in bed. I am not rich either, she makes more money than me, you do the math. :cool:;)
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