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Is this a good setup? Need help ASAP, buying tomorrow!


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Ok, our computer took a shit, and we both have school assignments, etc, other shit that we NEED a computer. It was a notebook, but we're considering a desktop now...I found this for $400, seems like a damn good deal to me.


Any insight is appreciated. Basically we have music, pictures and video's on the computer, would like to be able to edit that. Also need like Word and Excel, the internet and that's about it. I think this will be fine, but please show me anything under $500 that I should look at as well. We both get paid tomorrow and I'll probably end up buying one tomorrow.


Thanks for the quick help





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IMHO It is a hell of a deal, but with Vista out now, I HIGHLY suggest getting a computer with 1GB of ram. It is not 'needed' with the new operating system, but it will just help things run more smoothly and save you a headache later on by getting pissed at your computer for going really slow.


You can't avoid Vista, Its like judgment day in Terminator, its going to happen. Also, unless you build your own computer, you won't be able to find a major retailer who sells computer at those prices. (Except http://www.newegg.com most likely still has some.)

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No, your $400 would be better off spend elsewhere. Skip Compaq even if it more powerful, and try to avoid Vista for now.


Thanks for the tip, but any you would recommend? Also, would this computer be OK if I loaded my XP on it?

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Thanks, but its still compaq and vista, so is it ok? Also, is there anyway to upload XP onto this or will all my old programs load onto this just fine? Does anyone want to delete all the bullshit they load onto it from the store and get it cleanly running for me, I'll buy dinner/beer/$20 or something. I'd do it, but I think that's how I fucked up my current computer.

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Ive been around computer all my life and even hold computer parties (I know I am a fucking nerd but whatever) In my experience, if you buy a computer from a store, just leave it alone. They a all fucking backwards when it comes to compatibility and they are setup to run out of the box. I would say just uninstall all the extra crap that comes with it and leave it.


As for brands of computer, it doesn't matter anymore, they are all basically made all the same. From what I have heard, Vista, once up and running will work with 99% of software out there. I have mainly heard complaints about the initial installation.

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well since you know about computers, you want to try and fix mine first? Its not really that old or outdated, I just fucking suck with computers and am fed up with it. PM me if interested.


Thanks guys, I'll probably pick up the one he recommended this weekend if I can't fix mine.

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Compaq's all got better once HP bought them out a few years back. Right around the time E-Machines came out i believe. The only thing that makes it a "Compaq" is the logo on the front. The internals are the same as almost any equivalent IBM or Dell.
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