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FS : 50" Hitachi Ultravision RearPro LCD


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$385 OBO


Quote from CNET Review which gave it a 8.0 out of 10. "While not quite as fetching as some, this set offers the best out-of-the-box performance we've seen yet from a rear-projection LCD."


The TV looks amazing in HD. It does 720p, 720i and 1080i. Its also 16:9. Along with the tv comes the remote and owners manual. The only complaint I have is in totally black scenes you can see a pinkish cloud in the center of the screen, I believe the bulb is starting to show its age. I'm only able to see the cloud in scenes of darkness, in HD and regular color I can't see it. For less than 400 dollars its a good buy IMO. The TV is gorgeous on ESPN HD and any sporting events. It does not have a built in HD tuner so hooking up an antenna will not yield terrestrial HD, you will need a cable box with HD or a tuner hooked up.





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Not a bad price, and those bulbs aren't too expensive and really easy to replace.


Chad, have you looked into the contacts the bulb plugs into? My dad had some picture issues like yours, and it ends up the bulb contacts had deposits on them from the high voltage. He cleaned them off and it cleared right up.

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