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sirius and XM merge


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There will still be two choices, XM or Sirius radios. The content will be the same. Sirius is buying XM for 4.6 Billion in stock.


Here is more info on the merger:

Acrobat PDF: http://investor.sirius.com/downloads/InvestorPresentation022007.pdf


Webcast Page:



Read the PDF it shows ad revenue for testicle radio at 60Billion and on Sat to be 70 Billion. :eek:


Looks if this happens Sat radio will no longer be Commercial free. :mad:

They are planning to sell ad time. It all can't be on "talk radio"


XM stock owners get 4.6 shares of sirius for every share of XM they own.

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XM/Sirius does not expect to raise prices to the consumer, instead they plan to reach out to the 90% of americans that do not purchase the service for new revenue. As of now they only have 10% of the population.


XM/Sirius feel the monopoly part of talk of sat radio is bunk because they feel they are in direct compitition with free radio, so they still have competitors.

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Yeah let's hope we get commercials with our music channels and let's keep paying a monthly fee on top of that to hear fucking commercials! Yeah let's keep it ran like xm where we raise our price and lose half of our subscribers. You know there is a reason SIRIUS is buying XM and it's not because XM is better or ran better.


You know, from the first time I ever heard of XM and Sirius, I don't get the whole "well I am an audiophile and XM rules" bit. I have heard both XM and Sirius and both have redundant stations. Hell Sirius is still rolling out music stations...


Clearly XM doesn't have that much of a hold on music lovers, I can't think that all people who have jumped ship were because of Howard. Sirius is a better product, hands down.

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Yeah they can't start raising prices with that low of a market percentage. That would be bad business. Sounds like there going to try to merge more areas of audio entertainment into there services to give more people more reason to use them.



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The hell that's fixed. That's actually a VERY retarded statement.


-As long as it is run like XM is

Oh, you mean losing a LOT of market share each quarter, not hitting their budgets each quarter, getting fined and sued this way and that?? Paying $55 million for Oprah who is only on for 1/2 hour a week. Yeah, good way to runt he company. :rolleyes:


-with most of XM's programming

What programming?? Commercials in the music?? The lack of good talk radio?? Lacking most of the sports??


-add Stern to keep the Dog buyer's shut up

A lot of people buy Sirius that aren't even Stern fans. Some buy it just for Bubba. Some buy it for the far better sports content.


-it will be a good thing.

We'll see how it pans out. As far as I'm concerned, they can get rid of XM all together, and just re-broadcast Sirius over the XM bandwidth. I'm sure they have far more lucrative plans with it, though. As long as they don't f' with the content on Sirius, I'll be happy.

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Easy there cupcakes.


Gave Sirius a try for a few months, started on it in fact. Thought the selection sucked. Canceled it. Real simple, zero snobbery. Some of my employees play it work, I check it out time to time to see if its gotten better. Hasn't yet. Not an audiophile, but my musical taste is clearly not mainstream. It may be the "better" product for the masses but its not the better product for everybody.


Kinda like the same reason Mustangs are still around and the Fbods went tits up. For every 1 person that liked what the fbod brought to the table, 40 people thought the Mustang got it right. What's the better car?




For me, XM has the better selection: Don't give a shit about sports. Don't give a shit about news (except BBC). Don't give a shit about comedy. Last I checked Sirius still is charging a monthly fee. No commercials on the stations I listen to, zero. The night music shows are better. The national simulcast club music shows are better sync'd and DJ'd. My rates never changed. The DJs play what I want to hear. Don't give a shit how the management team runs it, I ain't listening to Satellite Excel Spreadsheet. Stern can suck my cock. I didn't even know Oprah was on radio...


Keep the Sirius lineup right where it is. If they port that shit over to XM they'll be giving me a refund and I'll be hacking something else into the V.


I'm no brand loyalist, if Sirius gets a better music lineup and DJs that don't suck and swallow, I'll switch. Til then, they need to keep that crap right where it is right now, outta my car.


Don't you hate it when someone doesn't agree with you?

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