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what would you do if someone picked up a chunk of ice and chucked it at your car and dented it?? anyone on this site if someone damaged your car, one of your most valued pieces of property what would you do? im just curious as to what you would do..
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what would you do if someone picked up a chunk of ice and chucked it at your car and dented it?? anyone on this site if someone damaged your car, one of your most valued pieces of property what would you do? im just curious as to what you would do..


If the intention was having fun, I'd let it slide. If someone damages my car on purpose, there's no need to get the police involved. I'd handle that one myself.

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what would you do if someone picked up a chunk of ice and chucked it at your car and dented it?? anyone on this site if someone damaged your car, one of your most valued pieces of property what would you do? im just curious as to what you would do..


Various options:

1. I would quite simply ask that they pay for the damages.

2. Assuming said person was just playing I would understand, and speak man to man with him about it and resolve it peacefully.

3. I start a fight.

4. I realize I have a crx and a dent (if it's not crazy) really isn't that big of a deal.

5. I would have my lawyer send a letter stating that the damages need to be fixed or there will be legal consequences.

6. I would not involve the police until I had exhausted all other avenues; including court.


I'm not sure if you can do something like that on the interwebs. You can check for a report on http://www.columbuspolice.org all you need is the victims name I believe.

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Various options:

1. I would quite simply ask that they pay for the damages.

2. Assuming Sam was just playing I would understand, and speak man to man with him about it and resolve it peacefully.

3. I start a fight.

4. I realize I have a crx and a dent (if it's not crazy) really isn't that big of a deal.

5. I would have my lawyer send a letter stating that the damages need to be fixed or there will be legal consequences.

6. I would not involve the police until I had exhausted all other avenues; including court.


Sam, I'm not sure if you can do something like that on the interwebs. You can check for a report on http://www.columbuspolice.org all you need is the victims name I believe.

hal it isnt sam with the problem hes just asking for someone
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You havn't been served my papers yet?


I am CR's new E-Lawyer for your E-Abuse on the interweb.


PS: I'm using the chewbaca defense....you're screwed.


oh noes! Not the Chewbaca defense...


"Here presented to you I have Chewbaca, a kind, hairy creature from the planet (Star Wars Nerds enter his home planet here). What does he have to do with this case you are wondering? Nothing, it's just stupid. I mean who would actually talk about Chewbaca in a case like this....it's just dumb. Just like this whole case, it's stupid. This whole issue is stupid and doesn't make since. Thank you, I rest my case."

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what would you do if someone picked up a chunk of ice and chucked it at your car and dented it?? anyone on this site if someone damaged your car, one of your most valued pieces of property what would you do? im just curious as to what you would do..


What would you do?

Get up on my feet and let go of every excuse...


What would you do?

'Cause I wouldn't want my baby to go through what I went through...


What would you do?

Get up on my feet, stop making tired excuses...

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what would you do if someone picked up a chunk of ice and chucked it at your car and dented it?? anyone on this site if someone damaged your car, one of your most valued pieces of property what would you do? im just curious as to what you would do..




What would jesus do.

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