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any landscapers?


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Is it just me, or does this sound like some super hero slut from Marvel comics?



LOL, yea, it is a weird name. The bosses named the company after the first backhoe that they owned, which was a Dynahoe brand backhoe. Dynahoe backhoes went out of business, and we stole the name. FWIW, I'm a DynaBitch that works at Dynahoe.

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Guest powers

As soon as you are sure there will be no more frost. Thatch and seed then apply starter fert. Water everyday for a week or two, and you will be amazed at the results. You need to make sure the temp is high enough for germination. Typical soil temps for grass seed germination is 65 degrees. So monitor your soil temps and once you can sustain watering and soil temps around 65F it is time to seed. Don't forget to water everyday, you must keep the soil moist for the seed to root.


Eric i have a broadcast spreader and hard rake you can use and keep for what ever length of time you need. Just let me know.

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well....my yard is horible, when they built the house they never leveled the yard. I need to till it all up and level it then reseed it. I have a bobcat I can get anytime to level the yard I just need to know when to do it.



So when temps get around 65 sound good?


Greg, I have no idea what all that stuff was you are talking about. Pm me more details


Thanks guys

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if you decide to use the bobcat I have an attachment that works wonders, its called a harley rake....it spins at high rate of speed and basically does the same as tilling but alot faster and it is easier cuz your not doing the work. Let me know if you are interested, but I would have to charge ya cuz its my partners attachment...and he'll prolly want couple bucks...Fall is the best time to seed, but ifyou decide to do it this time of year I suggest using a split seeder for best results....
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just curious.....why is fall the best time and not spring. You plant everything else in the spring? I supose I could wait till fall but i kinda wanted it done for this summer.


THanks for the offer linc, I will keep that in mind.



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Dont rototill the soil . this process causes the soil to settle unevenly and wakes up tons of weed seeds that will compete with the new grass. Winter seeding is a good way to go if you dont want to wait till fall...Remove all fallen leaves and twigs from the areas to be reseeded. This will help to insure seeds can make a good seed to soil contact.Apply your seed to those areas 4 to 5 seeds per inch.(i know technical)Freezing and thawing will occur, causing the seed to have a natural seedbed. The seed will germinate in spring when the soil warms to the proper germination temperatures. I suggest if you go this route, do it ASAP. Again the best time is early september with a high nitrogen fertalizer.
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well, I am not sure how else to level it with out tilling it. It would cost too much to have dirt brought in. And I don't know how a bobcat would level it without it being tilled. Wouldn't the bobcat just lift all the grass? I don't know. I am really lost. Thanks
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Guest powers

Eric pay for a dump truck of topsoil. Have him dump it and then spread it over the back yard. In your current soil you have weeds waiting to lurk if you disturb them. These remnants are called rhizomes. If you till the dirt back there you will have a bigger mess than when you started. This is because you will be bringing those rhizomes to the surface and you will have weeds everywhere that will choke out your new seed.


You can get a dump truck of topsoil, fill the low spots then follow the seeding requirements. You will have a full yard of grass in two weeks from seeding if done properly. Get this grass in place for spiring and summer, then reseed again in the fall for a really full lawn next summer. A nice lawn is something that take at least 2 years to obtain. If you want help just yell at me I will come help spread top soil.

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Guest powers
Or you can always get slinger jones to sling most of it where you want it.

How much topsoil do you need anyway?

I know those slinger trucks are not cheap, any idea what they charge for a load of topsoil?

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Guest LSWON333
Slinger=To much, plus if its the back yard it most likely wont be reached eaisly. They can sling it like 40 to 60 feet. Just get a load of topsoil, a shovel, a rake and a wheelbarrow (cheap way). 5 yards of soil looks like alot on the ground in a big pile, but itll go quick. Me by myself can move 2 to 3 yards and hour (thats non stop movin though).
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That is true about the back yard. I live on a corner and do not have a fence = easy access.

Slinger is around 10 yards for $275- 300 I am guesing , I have not used them for a couple of years.

If you can get one of the landscapers to buy it for you , at their dicscount . You might pay as little as $12 a yard.

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Guest powers
I have never personally perchased a load of topsoil. I was thinking that you can get a dump truck load for around 100 dollars. But the slinger thing seems pretty expensive.
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well....I can till it and level it for free. I guess I can check into getting soil brought in.....but I garuntee I am going to need more than a truck load. Personnally I don't care all that much how the grass looks, right now I just want it to be level. Its dagerous for my kid to play back there. So you think if I till it the weeds won't be controlable? Thanks guys.



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