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Majic tricks?!


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Yes, you were trying to incite something, thus why you posted it in here thinking it's "invincible". Well, it's not and neither are you.


You banter about PMs is just that, banter. You and I have had several PM exchanges without err, and this would be no different. You've also posted several other topics time and again in other sections, so to "make this public" could have been accomplished on other areas as well.


My personal reflection:


I've come to the point in my life where I've got several other things that take priority over babysitting CR, and in particular, members like yourself (whether you think yourself "tame" or not). I've done my damnest to try to run things and deal with people like yourself without being a total dick about it. It's getting me absolutely nowhere.


So, people like you are no big loss. I see Greg let you back on RC, good for him and you. I made that gesture over here long ago and regret it more and more everytime I see you push the envelope.


I run things how I run things, and have to have help doing so because I don't have the time to dedicate anymore. Being here is a privilege and not a right, as I've so specified before. This isn't a publicly traded company nor is membership required. Remember that when you challenge what goes public and what doesn't. Being a local messageboard as well, there are times when the integrity is watched, whether YOU like it or not. Our actions around here do not need to be justified, especially when it comes to the safety and support of local members.


You continue to keep coming back, continue to keep posting, hell, are even selling shit. Fine, then you obviously find some use for CR. But you're not required to be here, and frankly, can leave if you don't like how it's run. I'm tired of having to explain anything to you. Go away or deal with it.


Well said. :cool:

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BTW - I believe JP was referring to the Multi-TADIL Advanced Joint Interoperability Course with his reference to the acronym "MAJIC".


So, this really just doesn't make any damn sense how that relates to Power's thread.

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On a lot of sites "vendor flaming" will result in a quick ban and either deleting or locking the thread. I think Chris, Anthony, and all the mods have done a good job with this site. Unfortunately they must make decisions that are not always popular. I for one am ok with the decisions they make, as I realize this is their forum to do with as they please. They for the most part are very lenient with what goes on here, half of the people on here would be banned if they ran this like many other admins run their sites.


Just food for thought, Greg did ask that the thread be locked. Did he say deleted, no, but it functions much in the same way.


Thanks Anthony, Chris, Mods. Keep up the good work.


Thanks Hal. We aim to please, and CR has been around for years, whether everyone agrees with our actions or not.


Do I want people to be unhappy? No, I don't. Like stated before, I cannot please everyone all of the time. I tried that years ago and ended up shutting CR down several times, for those of you that remember.


We try to run CR with as much democracy as possible, but even then decisons have to ultimately be made whether popular or not. I will admit, IPS being a paying sponsor played a small part in the whole ordeal, because they paid money for the RIGHT to become a sponsor. However, you also have multitudes of people getting fed up with the ridiculous drama associated with them and Greg. I asked Greg to please change his sig or something, and was declined. He was warned that I would do it for him, and still edited it to something reflecting his problems with IPS.


It wasn't good enough. Again, everyone cannot be pleased, yet here I am trying to hold the reins on 4000 menbers on a local board. People like JP have no respect for that, they only see themselves and the currently running operations with no boundaries. It's not easy.


It seems like I have to repeat this several times a month.

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I spend just as much time trying to help out people as I do to provide somewhere for people to hang out. You know this.


Yeah, integrity. I believe in it, I guess is isn't enough for people like you.


and if they did, theyd be paying you too much.


the "integrity" of cr? thats rich.


As for the frame rails, I don't care one bit about it. The only person who should is John Tilley, so ask him how he feels. It's his car.

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Yes, you were trying to incite something, thus why you posted it in here thinking it's "invincible". Well, it's not and neither are you.


You banter about PMs is just that, banter. You and I have had several PM exchanges without err, and this would be no different. You've also posted several other topics time and again in other sections, so to "make this public" could have been accomplished on other areas as well.


My personal reflection:


I've come to the point in my life where I've got several other things that take priority over babysitting CR, and in particular, members like yourself (whether you think yourself "tame" or not). I've done my damnest to try to run things and deal with people like yourself without being a total dick about it. It's getting me absolutely nowhere.


So, people like you are no big loss. I see Greg let you back on RC, good for him and you. I made that gesture over here long ago and regret it more and more everytime I see you push the envelope.


I run things how I run things, and have to have help doing so because I don't have the time to dedicate anymore. Being here is a privilege and not a right, as I've so specified before. This isn't a publicly traded company nor is membership required. Remember that when you challenge what goes public and what doesn't. Being a local messageboard as well, there are times when the integrity is watched, whether YOU like it or not. Our actions around here do not need to be justified, especially when it comes to the safety and support of local members.


You continue to keep coming back, continue to keep posting, hell, are even selling shit. Fine, then you obviously find some use for CR. But you're not required to be here, and frankly, can leave if you don't like how it's run. I'm tired of having to explain anything to you. Go away or deal with it.



No, I do not think I, nor this thread, are "invincible" here. That would be quite illogical.


As far as a PM exchange with you-yes. I agree that a PM exchange with you would go without a hitch, but you and your brother are at quite a different level of maturity.


I am sorry you felt that I am "pushing the envelope" with this thread. I asked a question, it was answered. Thanks for your time.

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Guest Removed
ok, youre cheap. and youre not really jewish. and rob cant change being white. also, you suck at this game.




i knew this was about me being white.



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No, I do not think I, nor this thread, are "invincible" here. That would be quite illogical.


As far as a PM exchange with you-yes. I agree that a PM exchange with you would go without a hitch, but you and your brother are at quite a different level of maturity.


I am sorry you felt that I am "pushing the envelope" with this thread. I asked a question, it was answered. Thanks for your time.


Then next time, JP, PM me. I've got enough on my plate than having to try to justify everything, including my brother's actions. I don't have him as another Admin for my health.

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I've got enough on my plate than having to try to justify everything, including my brother's actions.


Never in the history of CR has there been an action where I was afraid of explaining my justification. Any member at any time is welcome to PM me and ask why I've done something and I'll be glad to answer. I’ll even provide proof of actions if it’s necessary.


For what it’s worth, almost every action we take as administrators is talked about between us before it’s taken. So, chances are, we both know exactly what’s going on. Neither of us run around here like unrestrained children pushing our personal will. We check against each other. It’s always been that way.

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Thanks Hal. We aim to please, and CR has been around for years, whether everyone agrees with our actions or not.


Do I want people to be unhappy? No, I don't. Like stated before, I cannot please everyone all of the time. I tried that years ago and ended up shutting CR down several times, for those of you that remember.


We try to run CR with as much democracy as possible, but even then decisons have to ultimately be made whether popular or not. I will admit, IPS being a paying sponsor played a small part in the whole ordeal, because they paid money for the RIGHT to become a sponsor. However, you also have multitudes of people getting fed up with the ridiculous drama associated with them and Greg. I asked Greg to please change his sig or something, and was declined. He was warned that I would do it for him, and still edited it to something reflecting his problems with IPS.


It wasn't good enough. Again, everyone cannot be pleased, yet here I am trying to hold the reins on 4000 menbers on a local board. People like JP have no respect for that, they only see themselves and the currently running operations with no boundaries. It's not easy.


It seems like I have to repeat this several times a month.



so if i pay money i can say what i want when i want???????? not that i really say much but just thought i'd ask.

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i'm not saying i disagree with what happen b/c it was getting old. things on both sides should have been done a little differently but thats just my .02. my point was that anthony made it sound if you pay money you have more lead-way so i just thought i'd ask. i'm really a nobody on the site or anything. i just like to race everyonce in a while and check out some kool cars. but carry on.


oh snowsnow go away, i'm ready to drive my car anyday!

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This is by far one of the smartest things ever posted on this board.



ok so do I get to know?


everyone else already seems to and I feel left out.....


if not its cool


" customizing " with a hammer usually means your trying to get something big to fit so I was just curious....


I'll even trade ya stories I used a big ass hammer on my rear inner fenders so I could get a 12" wide tire to fit in the stock wheel well without a spacer



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I used a hammer and die-grinder on the Formula for the C6 rims :(


I think everyone should have a fair shot at hassle-free posting on CR, business or not. There's been people banned for stalking, thread-crapping, etc. But you'd think if you go and pay fees to advertise on a site, you could at least go a week without being harassed in every thread mentioned your name, directly or indirectly. It's plain stupid and annoying.

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ok so do I get to know?


everyone else already seems to and I feel left out.....


if not its cool


" customizing " with a hammer usually means your trying to get something big to fit so I was just curious....


not everyone dave. i have the same question myself.im not on RC anymore so i dont know everything(even the motor issues) and i didnt get to see the vids . :(


dont forget the torch. to heat the rails (thats what bothered me)clearancing with a hammer is one thing, heating and beating can be bad at 200mph. At which speed im sure 270 will see time and time again. but why do what LPE did and not just notch the frame? all the heavy shit was gone making it even easyer to do so.But then its not my car. and so what if its over budget, see my sig for the anwser to that.

and we have all beat on the inner wheel wells.thats normal anymore. cutting grinding welding to make shit fit is what its all about isnt it?

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