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i have a great idea, miller. how about I start shit with him, let him start kickin my ass, and you come in to "save me" and give him the beating of a lifetime.

HAHA, this sounds great. We gotta coordinate this so it works. They never go out to any parties or social shit that I really know about, campus or cbus for that matter (the guy won't let her hang out with her friends) and I think he lives in some Podunk place where he does his own thing. I dunno how we could get this together, but I'm up for ideas.

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I got this out of the tard this afternoon.

"OH HAHAHAHA HEHEHEH HAHAHAHA IM SO GLAD IM NOT A BITCH ASS PUNK LOSER. lol haha ill make fun of you to ur face.. lol ill get my chance:) be afraid bitches.."


;) You guys should take this off-line.

In good time ;)

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I dunno...but Id tap that Leah girl on his Myspace.



Also, this explains everything.



And the "future plans for his celica" Sure has good taste. :rolleyes:


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yea, as Kevin posted above, that's pretty much the 'skinny' on his mySpace for those of you who don't have it. his hair is too long, he obviously likes Keystone Light(sissy?), he likes riced out cars, and his homepage has some lame wuss college rock playing.


imo, he looks like your typical college douche. boy i do i miss those days. /sarcasm

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Miller! I know this guy (not personally)


well, actually, my girlfriend knows this guy (he's been trying to fuck her for a while)

Which severely pisses me off...just her having been in his presence (at one time)or him still texting or calling her

he sends text messages to her phone about parties more often than i'd like



there isn't a dirtier human on the face of this earth - he deserves anything coming to him after the many stories i've heard (usually of him abusing women)


I wouldn't touch the guy with a pole - I always joke that he's got at least 3 std's



i can get dirt.....


I know one story off the top of my head



And no, this guy isn't a college boy. That hair dye has went pretty deep into his head - he's a fucking moron with no future - works whatever construction job he can get




Anyways - a decent story: he was living with this girl (can't afford his own place - no education - barely graduated high school, crappy jobs - etc)

...living with this girl he was fucking.....

ended up fucking the girl's sister

(not really a good story - but sounds like one of many i've heard about involving him)


his modus operandi is to fuck as many women as possible, pass as many diseases as possible and move on when he gets tired of the girl


You should have that girl read this before she becomes dirty (already too late, i'd imagine - he wouldn't be dating her if she didn't put out)


he plays - and he plays pretty well, from what i've heard

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Miller! I know this guy (not personally)


well, actually, my girlfriend knows this guy (he's been trying to fuck her for a while)

Which severely pisses me off...just her having been in his presence (at one time)or him still texting or calling her

he sends text messages to her phone about parties more often than i'd like



there isn't a dirtier human on the face of this earth - he deserves anything coming to him after the many stories i've heard (usually of him abusing women)


I wouldn't touch the guy with a pole - I always joke that he's got at least 3 std's



i can get dirt.....


I know one story off the top of my head



And no, this guy isn't a college boy. That hair dye has went pretty deep into his head - he's a fucking moron with no future - works whatever construction job he can get




Anyways - a decent story: he was living with this girl (can't afford his own place - no education - barely graduated high school, crappy jobs - etc)

...living with this girl he was fucking.....

ended up fucking the girl's sister

(not really a good story - but sounds like one of many i've heard about involving him)


his modus operandi is to fuck as many women as possible, pass as many diseases as possible and move on when he gets tired of the girl


You should have that girl read this before she becomes dirty (already too late, i'd imagine - he wouldn't be dating her if she didn't put out)


he plays - and he plays pretty well, from what i've heard


He tried hitting on my x, she had heard of him and said he was an asshole too, I've known this much about him. And ya, your right, the dumb girl is making a mistake doing that with the douche. I'm down for an ass beating, he already made it clear he wants to come after me for what I've said about him.

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I'm not asking for help, this guy has lots of dumb ass buddies from around him that I know his sad ass will use. I'm hoping to see some CR distruction crew and enjoy some brews with a nice celebration after.
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well if thats the case then, yea, get some of the good ol cr buds to back ya up and have some fun.. brews would def. be good for post douschebag beatdown. lol


I just always thought it was sad when people talk shit but then roll around w/ all their friends so that nobody could just go after the guy single handedly

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I'd provide some some back up. I ain't got shit else to do this weekend and I already don't like this fucker. I fully believe in people fighting their own fights, but I'd be there to 'bounce'. Besides, that guy looks about as big around as my leg.
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Guest hotrodmama024

me me me!!! Let me! lol


Forget all that other shit. What you need to do is find a big, badass woman to start shit with him and whomp his ass. That, my friends, would be worth paying to see. Any on here? If not, I'm sure one of these gays on here will dress like a woman and do it. ;)
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