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my girlfriend confirms that he has quite the temper and isn't afraid to fight


decently athletic at well - not quite as skinny as the pictures show

the only job he can work is construction and manual labor, after all

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my girlfriend confirms that he has quite the temper and isn't afraid to fight


decently athletic at well - not quite as skinny as the pictures show

the only job he can work is construction and manual labor, after all

I heard the same about him, and I've seen him in person, I think the manual labor filled him out. too bad its not going to make a difference

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even for a guy who can throw a punch, a haymaker from a 250 pound guy that can take a punch is gonna hurt...though i haven't thrown any punches lately, the farthest i've had to go to get anyone to see things my way was to lift a couple people by the neck (I had to slam one guy to the ground but he caved). it'll be good to get into some good old fashioned fisticuffs.
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my girlfriend confirms that he has quite the temper and isn't afraid to fight


decently athletic at well - not quite as skinny as the pictures show

the only job he can work is construction and manual labor, after all


He isn't afraid to fight GIRLS.


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even for a guy who can throw a punch, a haymaker from a 250 pound guy that can take a punch is gonna hurt...though i haven't thrown any punches lately, the farthest i've had to go to get anyone to see things my way was to lift a couple people by the neck (I had to slam one guy to the ground but he caved). it'll be good to get into some good old fashioned fisticuffs.

Alex we will get in contact when you get back over the weekend, hopefully I can work something out for getting him to bring a posse so we all have something to do. Because me and Tyler have a grudge match to settle.


as long as I get to roll up in the Apache and have a bunch of 'goons' jump out of the bed and be ready to fight (hollywood style) i'll be happy.

BTW- Dibs on shotgun.

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Miller! I know this guy (not personally)


well, actually, my girlfriend knows this guy (he's been trying to fuck her for a while)

Which severely pisses me off...just her having been in his presence (at one time)or him still texting or calling her

he sends text messages to her phone about parties more often than i'd like



there isn't a dirtier human on the face of this earth - he deserves anything coming to him after the many stories i've heard (usually of him abusing women)


I wouldn't touch the guy with a pole - I always joke that he's got at least 3 std's



i can get dirt.....


I know one story off the top of my head



And no, this guy isn't a college boy. That hair dye has went pretty deep into his head - he's a fucking moron with no future - works whatever construction job he can get




Anyways - a decent story: he was living with this girl (can't afford his own place - no education - barely graduated high school, crappy jobs - etc)

...living with this girl he was fucking.....

ended up fucking the girl's sister

(not really a good story - but sounds like one of many i've heard about involving him)


his modus operandi is to fuck as many women as possible, pass as many diseases as possible and move on when he gets tired of the girl


You should have that girl read this before she becomes dirty (already too late, i'd imagine - he wouldn't be dating her if she didn't put out)


he plays - and he plays pretty well, from what i've heard

Dude, just reading this pisses me off more, he tried to mack on my girlfriend when we were dating and SHE WAS WAY OUT OF THAT FUCKS LEAGUE. To say the least, he got shut down. Baron if you got an axe to grind feel free to join.

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He isn't afraid to fight GIRLS.



Exactly. Fighting a 6'1", 235lb caged animal is quite intimidating. It gets dangerous when that caged animal has no real regular phyisical activity to releave stress and aggression, so anytime he gets all worked up, and someone pulls the trigger, boom... hiroshima anywhere he stands.

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Exactly. Fighting a 6'1", 235lb caged animal is quite intimidating. It gets dangerous when that caged animal has no real regular phyisical activity to releave stress and aggression, so anytime he gets all worked up, and someone pulls the trigger, boom... hiroshima anywhere he stands.


Your parents caged you too huh? :(

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Your parents caged you too huh? :(


i have pictures of me leashed up to a phone pole in Lake Cumberland when i was like 4. My mom and dad didnt want me to fall off the dock to they "secured" me lol.


No, i feel caged up sometimes though... (without souding too much like an ass) its rough being a big guy with a bunch of muscle and power and never having the opertunity to use it. Like having a Koenigsegg but only be able to drive it in downtown New York during rush hour. At some point, you just go apeshit... and the result is usually a regretable one.

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Sounds like you guys need to start your own fight club. We had what we called "the pit" about 10 years ago. It was basically a old stand-up swimming pool where the liner was removed, anyone who thought they were man enough to go toe to toe went in. It usually wasnt about hating the other guy. More like if a guy said he could woop you, you had a place to give him his chance to prove it.
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This all sounds interesting and my gf will be gone all weekend. I will be very bored and I'm constantly being told since I've 'mellowed' out that eventually I'll explode so I could use the release.. Of course, I don't think anyone here should touch this guy at this point because everyone involved would probably be screwed due to admitted guilt on a public forum. Just saying cuz you never know. On a slightly different note, wnaplay has a good idea. It should be something more 'responsible' than an empty, no-rule pool, though as some of us have to worry about jobs, etc the next day. Me, I'm just getting old and fragile but I'd still be down. :D
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This all sounds interesting and my gf will be gone all weekend. I will be very bored and I'm constantly being told since I've 'mellowed' out that eventually I'll explode so I could use the release.. Of course, I don't think anyone here should touch this guy at this point because everyone involved would probably be screwed due to admitted guilt on a public forum. Just saying cuz you never know. On a slightly different note, wnaplay has a good idea. It should be something more 'responsible' than an empty, no-rule pool, though as some of us have to worry about jobs, etc the next day. Me, I'm just getting old and fragile but I'd still be down. :D


and the answer is: MMA

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my girlfriend confirms that he has quite the temper and isn't afraid to fight


decently athletic at well - not quite as skinny as the pictures show

the only job he can work is construction and manual labor, after all



Hire LINN.

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i have pictures of me leashed up to a phone pole in Lake Cumberland when i was like 4. My mom and dad didnt want me to fall off the dock to they "secured" me lol.


No, i feel caged up sometimes though... (without souding too much like an ass) its rough being a big guy with a bunch of muscle and power and never having the opertunity to use it. Like having a Koenigsegg but only be able to drive it in downtown New York during rush hour. At some point, you just go apeshit... and the result is usually a regretable one.


if you feel this way just go to a bar, thats what i used to do when i was training for a fight. Just go to the bar and find the biggest asshole there....then hit on his girl or just call him a prick...A fight usually insues...lol

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and the answer is: MMA


Yes. Big fan. I also have some friends back in Texas I used to spar with sometimes. They have all the equipment, etc. Years ago, when MMA first began before it was banned from the US for the first time, I used to goto a gym in LA with a couple guys who competed. Met alot of the old MMA guys from back in the day especially when I used to attend Arm & Sword Fighting. I wouldn't mind competing on a low level, but it would be nice to get into some sort of shape first, lol. Right now, the fight would have to end in about 30sec-1min or I'll have to lie down and take a nap. :(

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Dude, just reading this pisses me off more, he tried to mack on my girlfriend when we were dating and SHE WAS WAY OUT OF THAT FUCKS LEAGUE. To say the least, he got shut down. Baron if you got an axe to grind feel free to join.



i'm subject to regular background checks about ANY criminal activity - or i'd be interested

(so, i try to shy away from any potential troubles)



good luck



and i second the notion that this thread should be deleted

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'set-up' fights like these are never a good idea--ever. people ALWAYS bring guns- not worth getting shot over if you ask me, and not worth shooting anyone over--either would ruin the rest of your life. your best bet is to see the guy randomly, when he's not expecting a meet, and confront him (and hope he doesn't have a knife/gun).


you can't fight today like you used to be able to--guns are much more prevalent, especially with conceal/carry laws.

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