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This poor fella has a small dick.


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That's the first thing I thought when I saw his license plate at the airport. That article from BBC about asians complaining that american made condoms are too large...came to mind


Anyone else?



Seriously...who would put something that stupid on their license plate. Either mommy didn't give him enough attention or he uses a thimble





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well, those are two good guesses

Or, not



I'll stick with it being much more probable that he's a 16 year-old...5'2" asian kid with a runny nose and pink eye...who thinks he's uber kewl because his rich daddy bought him a nice car

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well, those are two good guesses

Or, not



I'll stick with it being much more probable that he's a 16 year-old...5'2" asian kid with a runny nose and pink eye...who thinks he's uber kewl because his rich daddy bought him a nice car



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My Dad said he knew the guy who drove this car, I guess his name is Jt Will and he has been in a bunch of karate movies, but i don't know how well known, he also had a karate shop here in Coulumbus. I've never heard of the guy. I didn't get the whole scoop on the guy, thats just what Pops told me.
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You apparently don't work in a corporate environment. I am guessing he is a higher level exec trained as a black belt in six sigma due to what he is driving; he probably spends a lot of time at the airport.

Damnit Eli, i was going to suggest that....all but the "high level exec" part. High level execs don't buy 328i's (cheapest bimmer saloon on the market). ;)

So, though he may be a six sigma blackbelt, the fact that he has a 328 and custom plates alludes to a small penis. ;)


I work with a decorated black belt, tournaments et all, overseas, quite successful. On thing you'll notice about him is that he never talks about it, certainly never brags.

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One thing you'll notice about him is that he never talks about it, certainly never brags.


That's what i had in mind when i originally posted this. One of my best friends teaches at a dojo in centerville. The people that are actually black belts, or have some sort of distinction warranting a high level of expertise...are usually the last ones to brag about it. It's fishy that this fella does - something's awry


p.s. I severely doubt any high level exec would have something that distasteful on his car

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