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cheating slut! opinnions?

Guest 00Smurf

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I don't get it... you all call her a slut (I'm NOT defending her at all, it's cheating) but then you want to treat her like one...? So you condone it to a degree, as long as she isn't yours?


Eh must be a guy thing...


Oh she's prego? geezus...


Run. Fast.

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Guest 00Smurf
the truth.


so, shes already preggers? with HIS kid? and you were still with her anyway?


well didn't know she was pregnant until we were already "exclusive" i use the term loosely in light of the present situation. So of course it could have been mine or his. I did the gentlemanly thing and offered to pay half for w/e she decided. When she went for her consultation at the doctor they did a sonarscan or something. w/e it was it determines how long the gestation has been and when the baby was conceived +/- 2 days. And th result was 4 days before we had had sex for the fist time. so it wasn't mine. :D


Honestly one last fuck would be nice, but I'm not in the mood to give her the satisfaction of a good time. Why should i give her any kind of pleasure after what she did.

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Guest 00Smurf
I don't get it... you all call her a slut (I'm NOT defending her at all, it's cheating) but then you want to treat her like one...? So you condone it to a degree, as long as she isn't yours?


Eh must be a guy thing...


Oh she's prego? geezus...


Run. Fast.


I never once have treated her like a slut nor do i intend to. As much as I'd like to, I'm better than her and i'll leave her with the guilt of knowing she fucked up another relationship. Theres nothing i could say to her that would make her feel more guilty than the beating up she is doing to herself. Unless posting this here would be considered treating her like one.

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well didn't know she was pregnant until we were already "exclusive" i use the term loosely in light of the present situation. So of course it could have been mine or his. I did the gentlemanly thing and offered to pay half for w/e she decided. When she went for her consultation at the doctor they did a sonarscan or something. w/e it was it determines how long the gestation has been and when the baby was conceived +/- 2 days. And th result was 4 days before we had had sex for the fist time. so it wasn't mine. :D


Honestly one last fuck would be nice, but I'm not in the mood to give her the satisfaction of a good time. Why should i give her any kind of pleasure after what she did.


Fuck her for about 2 mins pull out and bust on her face, then kick her the fuck out.

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well didn't know she was pregnant until we were already "exclusive" i use the term loosely in light of the present situation. So of course it could have been mine or his. I did the gentlemanly thing and offered to pay half for w/e she decided. When she went for her consultation at the doctor they did a sonarscan or something. w/e it was it determines how long the gestation has been and when the baby was conceived +/- 2 days. And th result was 4 days before we had had sex for the fist time. so it wasn't mine. :D


Honestly one last fuck would be nice, but I'm not in the mood to give her the satisfaction of a good time. Why should i give her any kind of pleasure after what she did.


That's a tough situation. I feel bad for ya... but the best thing you can do is move on and forget about her.


Good luck.

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I don't get it... you all call her a slut (I'm NOT defending her at all, it's cheating) but then you want to treat her like one...? So you condone it to a degree, as long as she isn't yours?


Eh must be a guy thing...


Only condone it because she's proven the fact. Im all for treating women with respect as long as they deserve it. Just like any guy, if you want to be a prick im not gonna be cool to you, if a girl wants to whore it up why should I treat her better than what she's asking to be treated?


This is all generalization, im not talking about any person in specific.


And smurf, what's w/e? and why would you pay half if its not yours? or you offered to pay half before you found out you weren't the child?

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Only condone it because she's proven the fact. Im all for treating women with respect as long as they deserve it. Just like any guy, if you want to be a prick im not gonna be cool to you, if a girl wants to whore it up why should I treat her better than what she's asking to be treated?


This is all generalization, im not talking about any person in specific.


And smurf, what's w/e? and why would you pay half if its not yours? or you offered to pay half before you found out you weren't the child?


If you don't treat them like sluts, they couldn't be sluts.


And this carries over into a new relationship.

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If you don't treat them like sluts, they couldn't be sluts.

You're absolutely right, it's the male opressors fault that some woman choose to be lying, cheating whores.

If you beleive that (It's actualy a legitimate theory), you must also recognize that guys are what you women make us. Dickhead cheating guys are that way because they have been lead to beleive it's acceptable. Stop rewarding assholes with punany, and you'll breed out the assholes. ;)

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If you don't treat them like sluts, they couldn't be sluts.


And this carries over into a new relationship.


Its pretty simple. The woman has all the power (as usual). If she doesn’t want to be treated like a whore, than don’t act like one. It’s like if a girl dress like a skank when she goes to a club and then expects to be treated like anything other than… well… a skank. Chris Rock said it best, “im not gonna dress up like a cop and not expect to be treated like a cop.”


benz-guy, right on. Most "players" are just guys who have been screwed over in the past and learned the only way not to get lied to is to do all the lying.

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Dude it is simple. If you have proof the baby isn't yours then dump her. Don't do a last fuck because that just reinforces her sluttness. At this point your penis is not worth touching her at all. You are better then she is. There is plenty other women to date.


Oh and you better post the pics up here ! ;)

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dude as soon as she said that she slept next to the guy while you were together it would have been over... she shouldn't have put herself in that situation.


as far as treating her like a slut, she obviously is... he didn't treat her like it before hand, she decided to sleep around not him.... f that slut.

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