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one of the best movies of all time in my opinion i really liked it


Well I would hope you "really" liked it, if you rank it as one of the best movies of all time. How you could, I cannot fathom. Though thats subjective and to each their own. I really liked the film, and its mildly historically acurate to the actual Battle of Thermopylae (some timeline and event structures only, OFCOURSE I understand that the real "Immortals" weren't ratlike monsters)


It was cool that some lines of dialogue were things actually spoken during the now famous battle i.e,


" ... our arrows will blot out the sun "


"The we will fight in the shade."


or when Xerxes army asks them to lay down their weapons.


"Come and get them."


Good stuff. However my major issue is that some of the scenes were overly stylized and it didn't really need it. For instance in the beginning when Xerxes doomed messengers ride over the horizon. That single sequence lasted 60 seconds too long.




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