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I tried to give you a fucking chance. I talked to you cool, I could have just laughed at you but I was nice. I told you some tips on how to get on the good side on CR. What do you do have the nerve to say anything negative towards me.


Your a punk ass child, But you pushed my buttons. I tried I fucking tried I met you in person was mellow to you, even introduced you to other poeple from CR. All I suggested was you to calm the fuck down. Instead you call me a ricer


So blow



100$ lets go

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I fucking talked to this kid in person. I was nice to him, I even talked about being banned and that by mellowing out and relizing there are fast cars on this board and to make a bold claim like that sets you up to look lame.


I told him that his speeding ticket on myspace made him look unsafe. but all that would be forgoton with a bit of a attitude adjustment.


It just pisses me off.


I beleive in second chances shit even a third if he mans up and apolgizes to me.

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To call you a ricer after you have met him face to face and tried to help him!!! You are a nicer person than I would be. An apology wouldnt cut it in my book.


Remember one thing...you have Darwin on your side. Martin is a looser



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LOL a kid called you ricer to your face Thorne? You need to work on intimidation, or just straight slap the bitch next time. Where the hell did you see him?


I met him too, at whempys lan. It was...humorous. He didn't roll up in the mustang though, i wanted to see the beast :burn:

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Thorne is asleep now please leave a message after the tone...




Martin did not say it to his face. Martin made a post referring to Thorne as a ricer. But it appears Martin may have been quoting another CR member and was not trying to disrespect Thorne at all.

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I think Martin is the biggest bag of fuckin douche to come to CR in a while.


If you read the thread you will know this.


So, he said this to your face Thorne?


We call that a silo of douche, i dont think you can find a container bigger than a silo, and plus thats alot of douche, in which Martin is.

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