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Pet registration


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that's the place here in Cbus.....although I only did it this year as my wife keeps getting on my case. I hate stupid regulations like this. We've had our dogs for 7 & 10 years and this is the first time I've gotten them a license.


I'm not sure, I guess so. All I know is I'm supposed to register my pet under law, and I didn't know where to go from there.
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that's the place here in Cbus.....although I only did it this year as my wife keeps getting on my case. I hate stupid regulations like this. We've had our dogs for 7 & 10 years and this is the first time I've gotten them a license.

It's a little bit of a hassle if you ask me. I've had a lab mix for 14 years, unregistered. I figured I should atleast get my staff bull terrier registered because of his breed's notority. Any idea how much it will cost me?

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Cheap enough here in Delaware to make it worth the trouble and to keep from being hassled/fined.


Mike, do you have a male or female Staffy and is it an AmStaff?

Male amstaff. He's not neutered either; will this make my fee more? Also, to register on that Franklin county site, I need his rabies code. Who would I contact to get that? Will his vet have that?

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Vet should have it or be able to get it for you/direct you....but it's also on your Rabies Tag if you have that. You typically get the tag at the Vet's office after his immunization.


Male amstaff. He's not neutered either; will this make my fee more? Also, to register on that Franklin county site, I need his rabies code. Who would I contact to get that? Will his vet have that?
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Yes it does cost more if your dog is not spayed/neutered, but only if they are over one year old.


I have a one year old Welsh Pembroke Corgi that I bought my fiance last year, and we have not spayed her due to her championship bloodlines. We plan to breed her in her next heat to a champion stud. I think her registeration was like $25. If you have it spayed/neutered I think it's like $12-14.

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Yes it does cost more if your dog is not spayed/neutered, but only if they are over one year old.


I have a one year old Welsh Pembroke Corgi that I bought my fiance last year, and we have not spayed her due to her championship bloodlines. We plan to breed her in her next heat to a champion stud. I think her registeration was like $25. If you have it spayed/neutered I think it's like $12-14.

How did you register it?



I won't be getting my dog neutered, atleast not yet because he's a really good dog for breeding.

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Again, could be different for Col, but it was never asked if my dog was neutered or not so I did not pay extra for it. Plus, I did it all online. I will not be neutering my dog, either as he's a breeder, as well.




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Here's some pictures of my dogs since we are posting pictures. The Siberian Husky I got from a rescue group and I bought the Corgi at Quarter Horse Congress last year.

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I registered my Husky last night. Cost $13 online via the link above.


You have to have a valid rabies tag vaccination #. Enter that, your info, and the dog's info. If you select with dog was bought within 30 days, it's $12. If not, it's $24, then you have the $1 processing fee.

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I wasn't even asked about rabies vacs or anything. Guess they're just more lenient in Delaware. Shit, reminds me I need to renew the fishing license. They're dropping foot long trout all over central Ohio over the next 2-3 wks.
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