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A laugh for Monday


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I was a very happy man. My wonderful girlfriend and I had been dating

for over a year, and so we decided to get married. There was only one little

thing bothering me...It was her beautiful younger sister.


My prospective sister-in-law was twenty-two, wore very tight miniskirts, and

generally was bra-less. She would regularly bend down when she was near me,

and I always got more than a nice view. It had to be deliberate. Because she

never did it when she was near anyone else.


One day her "little" sister called and asked me to come over to check the

wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived, and she whispered to me

that she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome. She

told me that she wanted me just once before I got married and committed my

life to her sister.


Well, I was in total shock, and couldn't say a word.


She said, "I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want one last wild

fling, just come up and get me."


I was stunned and frozen in shock as I watched her go up the stairs. I stood

there for a moment, then turned and made a beeline straight to the front

door. I opened the door, and headed straight towards my car. Lo and behold,

my entire future family was standing outside, all clapping!


With tears in his eyes, my father-in-law hugged me and said , "We are very

happy that you have passed our little test. We couldn't ask for a better man

for our daughter. Welcome to the family."


And the moral of this story is: Always keep your condoms in your car.

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shit, you're a newb to the internet. you're the internet's bitch. son, i have keyboards older than you.



Lets start a club that Kevin can not be in. I have a working Commodore 64 and 128 in my basement. The 64 is one year younger then me.

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Lets start a club that Kevin can not be in. I have a working Commodore 64 and 128 in my basement. The 64 is one year younger then me.

I just got rid of my C64 last year. I had the tape drive for it. My favorite game: The Last V8.


My first computer was an Atari ST. I had 2 games for it, Space Quest II, and a game called Gunship (Which was my favorite).

I'm calling bullshit, unless your parents bought it at a yardsale for like $30. The Atari ST is from 1985. Seeing as though you were born more like 89, and you were probably 6 at the youngest when you started using a computer, that puts the Atari ST at around 10 years old by the time you got to it. It's possible, but not worth talking about.



Obviously you do.

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