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Ricer Biker on W Broad tonigt


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I've always liked the bike guys and gave them their respect. But tonight I saw I rider I couldn't stop shacking my head about. I don't know bike that well, but the exhaust was not stock, and sounded nice. As I became the car behind him, we came to a red light. He switched lanes in front of me with plenty of room, down shifted, then proceeded to unnecessarily rev 6 times to let motorists at the intersection know he had arrived. I gave him plenty of space, as I needed to change to the right lane before the next light anyway. The light changed and he's riding the right side of the left lane like he's going to pass everyone down the middle. Had he just done it and got it over with, than fine, but no, he rides the the bumper of the car in front of him by 2 feet. the car moves to the far left of his lane to give the bike room to pass down the middle, but the bike just stays there being a pain in the ass. By now I've made my lane change and have a side view. My turn is coming up( at the krogers, turning right ) so I'm just coasting. Now he comes over in front of me. I back off, not knowing what the hell he's up to now. He makes the turn in front of me rev'ing a bunch more for everyone to see he's turning. After the turn he's creeping at 5 mph. No gravel, just clean pavement. he picks it up a little before turning into the development on the left, where I was heading.


I bet almost anything he is on here. His plate is 59MM6. Not sure on the 6 though.


If you are on here, watching you was ricerific.

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and if you are watching don't ever ride my ass or try and pass between me and another car. I might panic or not see you. :rolleyes: :finger:


I love bikes and ride too, but I can't stand assholes on bikes....although I've seen much worse than this guy. When I was 17 I got hit by a bike....yeah, he hit my car! His buddy and him tried to tell the cops a bunch of shit but in the end it didn't fly as he was found guilty of reckless opp among other things.


The light changed and he riding the right side of the left lane like he's going to pass everyone down the middle. had he just done it and got it over with, than fine, but no, he rides the car in front of hims bumper by 2 feet. the car moves to the far left of his lane to give the bike room to pass down the middle, but the bike just stays there being a pain in the ass.

If you are on here, watching you was ricerific.

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I've always liked the bike guys and gave them their respect. But tonight I saw I rider I couldn't stop shacking my head about. I don't know bike that well, but the exhaust was not stock, and sounded nice. As I became the car behind him, we came to a red light. He switched lanes in front of me with plenty of room, down shifted, then proceeded to unnecessarily rev 6 times to let motorists at the intersection know he had arrived. I gave him plenty of space, as I needed to change to the right lane before the next light anyway. The light changed and he's riding the right side of the left lane like he's going to pass everyone down the middle. Had he just done it and got it over with, than fine, but no, he rides the the bumper of the car in front of him by 2 feet. the car moves to the far left of his lane to give the bike room to pass down the middle, but the bike just stays there being a pain in the ass. By now I've made my lane change and have a side view. My turn is coming up( at the krogers, turning right ) so I'm just coasting. Now he comes over in front of me. I back off, not knowing what the hell he's up to now. He makes the turn in front of me rev'ing a bunch more for everyone to see he's turning. After the turn he's creeping at 5 mph. No gravel, just clean pavement. he picks it up a little before turning into the development on the left, where I was heading.


I bet almost anything he is on here. His plate is 59MM6. Not sure on the 6 though.


If you are on here, watching you was ricerific.


You ran across what we in the biker community like to call a 'squid' or a poser. What gives him away? Creeping through a turn at 5mph.

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You ran across what we in the biker community like to call a 'squid' or a poser. What gives him away? Creeping through a turn at 5mph.


....and reving his bike everytime he comes to a traffic light. I dont know why but all new riders seem to do this.

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....and reving his bike everytime he comes to a traffic light. I dont know why but all new riders seem to do this.


I had to later on my 440 to keep it running sometimes. but it did not sound cool and i never wanted poeple to hear it. but yeah there is no real point to doing that. Squids = funny. I'm itchen for my damn bike to be back. I've been told by my brithday. i'm going to call this week.

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I don't know bikes. It was dark. Rider was wearing a black riding jacket with the spine shield in it. No helmet.



and this will be his demise...and the hike in my insurance rates. I will try to remain off of my soapbox, but for someone who is obviously not an experienced rider not wearing a helmet will at best end up with them being injured for life in some manner.

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and this will be his demise...and the hike in my insurance rates. I will try to remain off of my soapbox, but for someone who is obviously not an experienced rider not wearing a helmet will at best end up with them being injured for life in some manner.


Well ya can't say he didn't have it coming.

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Well ya can't say he didn't have it coming.


ultimately true, but in the end it still upsets me because it gives myself and my sport bike riding friends a bad name. Plus, then he just adds to the crash statistics that make my insurance go up.


Matter of fact, Joe, next time you see him, wait till he gets off his bike and then run him over...it'll save us all a bunch of time and worry.

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ultimately true, but in the end it still upsets me because it gives myself and my sport bike riding friends a bad name. Plus, then he just adds to the crash statistics that make my insurance go up.


Matter of fact, Joe, next time you see him, wait till he gets off his bike and then run him over...it'll save us all a bunch of time and worry.



I'm not out that way too often. And I really don't think this is how good riders ride. I know several people that are part of the bike crowd. Not once have I ever seen anyone ride like this guy. I was just so put off by him, that I had to see if he was on here so I could hear his reasoning.

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i think i ran into that dumb fuck at easton! My friend wanted to get some mcdonalds on the easton square and you could hear these shitheads reven there engins non stop till they pulled up to us!!! I soo wanted to kick his dumb fuck neon lighted bike over!!! The neons actually look like shit and he needs to get a fucking cool about riding and quite saying that even one "fucking crazy on that bike"!!!! Oh he is such an idiot!!!! i feel as if i get dumber when people like him are around!! if i even run into him again i think i just might kick his bike over!!!! Its been twice i have seen him now!!! And hes so dumb...like reall..... you say you have 2 bike and you are asking us where people ride??? seriously like i think i hear a train so tonight they are riding the tracks you better hurry!!! Oh how anyone can ride a fucking bike .....gezzzz
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i think i ran into that dumb fuck at easton! My friend wanted to get some mcdonalds on the easton square and you could hear these shitheads reven there engins non stop till they pulled up to us!!! I soo wanted to kick his dumb fuck neon lighted bike over!!! The neons actually look like shit and he needs to get a fucking cool about riding and quite saying that even one "fucking crazy on that bike"!!!! Oh he is such an idiot!!!! i feel as if i get dumber when people like him are around!! if i even run into him again i think i just might kick his bike over!!!! Its been twice i have seen him now!!! And hes so dumb...like reall..... you say you have 2 bike and you are asking us where people ride??? seriously like i think i hear a train so tonight they are riding the tracks you better hurry!!! Oh how anyone can ride a fucking bike .....gezzzz

Wow... I have suddenly become less intelligent simply by reading your uneducated ramblings. Please, do yourself and everyone who reads this board a favor... don't post anymore.

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