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Please recommend me a good/cheap plumber on the east side!


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The usual, one thing after another.


I keep getting backup on my drain in the lowest part of my house (which is where the washer/dryer and utility room is).


I bought $50 worth of sewage auger, decent snake, and heavy duty plunger, and it didn't do squat. Basically, if I flush my toilet, I better not do it again for 1/2 hr, or there will be a shitty mess. Yes, shitty mess. My house was built in 68, and I haven't found any sort of sewer cleanout the newer homes have (checked around the house, crawl space, etc.). The washer drains (through a series of pipes I snaked out) to the lowest drain.


This is way beyond my knowledge base, and I HAVE to get this fixed. I've spread my funds very thin with the pile of projects I have going on, so this is not something I want to deal with. Anyone you can recommend that can get out here Wednesday, I'll give a call first thing tomorrow morning!

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Jack woods Pluming,


This is the plumer we used for our water heater. Not sure if they are "cheap" but they did a great job, $560 was the installed price for a new 40 gal water heater and they got the permit and hauled the old one away and scheduled the city too come look at their work( part of the permit). We never had to even make another phone call. Can't hurt to call and see what they will charge.



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Guest powers

You have a very large tree in your front yard which most likely the roots have grown into the drain to the sewer.


Rent a high powered electric snake from murry's and a few hundred feet of snake. They will also get you some bits for the end that will eat what ever is in the drain. A few of my dad's rentals were older and had this same problem. We would go in once a year and snake it out. The permanant fix is to rip up the yard and replace the main tap into the city sewer, which is uber expensive and pain in the ass, thus why we snaked once a year.




here is a good example of what to use.


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