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LSX gathering

V8 Beast

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An LSX meeting was brought up during the winter. I was wondering if anyone would still be interested in doing this? I think it would be pretty cool if we met up one weekend afternoon in June. Professional photographers, bar-b-que, and a lot of fast cars. Thoughts?


While on the topic, whats up with some CR daytime gatherings as well? A nice Sunday get-together at a park would be great... A bring your family type of thing.

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Guest LSWON333

Off topic for half a second - is the guy with the Saleen that was at hooters on here?


Yea he owes me 10 bucks. Actually $30 we ran 3 times :D then he went home. lol

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June 16th 11am - 3pm.. looking into finding someone to sponsor it and supply the food. Any ideas as far as location.... Sharon woods etc


Rough Draft

Date:Saturday June 16th

Time:11am - 3pm meeting, 3:15pm cruise

Location : TBD

Set up crew arrives at 9:30am and sets everything up

11:00 - 3pm Eat, play volleyball, footbal, pro photos to use as sigs, etc

3pm head out for a cruise around the city with daytime footage... maybe even have a few camera men/ photographers ahead to catch us driving by.

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