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I found this post while looking for some tech help for my f150----



Bill Hodgson View profile

More options Apr 26 2004, 1:04 am



After 1 year and 8 months, I decided to have the fuel pumps replaced in both


Firestone in Seattle (Westlake Av. N. near Lake Union) performed the work in

a day + overtime for just under $1k. (Firestone included additional fuel

filter R&R)

The difference is amazing! The truck performs like new, running on either




The final straw that made me take it in was when the front tank could not

start the truck on an uncommonly warm spring day after 30 minutes of freeway

drive then 30 minutes parked. Starting up with the rear tank was no problem

but running at freeway speeds on the rear tank seemed to be a chore,

limiting travel speed to below legal limits of 60 mph.



The front tank fuel gauge had become unreliable, usually staying at the

pegged limit after the FULL mark. Seemed to occur at random, starting out

ok, then when putting on brakes after a few minutes of drive could cause the

needle to swing past FULL and into stops. Rear tank gauge worked fine. Made

me suspect a wiring issue with the gauge switch or connections through




After the fuel pumps were replaced, the fuel gauge is also functioning

properly again.


At this point I thought ok it was just another individual who, besides forking out way too much for a fuel pump replacement, just wanted to have his truck running better, and is obviously not automotive oriented, but as I read the last paragraph, it hit me, this guy is a freakin idiot.


(last paragraph)


And the pump swap is not for the weak of heart! I saw the techs wrestling

with the tanks trying to get them back into position. The truck was up on

the rack while 3 guys wrestled with the rear tank to get the alignment for

the bracket connection. It was not an easy task. They also had to create a

replacement for one of the short in-tank lines when the line called for in

the parts book did not fit.



Hope this helps others!

- Bill




Im sorry but this is a little dramatic isnt it? I mean come on, a gas tank? How many of you can honestly say that a gas tank drop is not an easy task? Hell I just dropped mine 3 times in the past week when it was comepletly full, by my self, and with out a lift. and again making a line splice? please, this is the kind of stuff that should be every day for regular tech to do. I might be reaching here and sorry to have wasted your time if you think that this was comepletely lame, but in my oppinion, this guy forked out way to much cash for a job that could have been done in the driveway in one afternoon for about 1/3 the price he payed. And then after it was all said and done he wasted his time posting something that was useless for a tech help forum.:nutkick:

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why is this here?


wasnt exactly sure where I should've posted, I usually do this kind of thing in the pics&vids section but there wasnt any thing related to that so I figured I could let out my frustrations in the kitchen.

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I'm not sure about Fords, but wouldn't it have been easier to pull the bed off?


Thats a matter of opionon. Ive done it both ways both are about the same but without a lift or 3 other people helping you its kinda hard to take off the bed.

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