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KFC guitar hero chicken box meal thing...


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I'm going to give you my adventure for the KFC Big Box Meal Deal in short commentary and mostly pictures from start to finish.

Before starting my adventure i had to decide on a means of transportation.


Google maps tells me that it is a 3.6 mile round trip so with 41* temp i chose the TL.


On High St.


Arrived at my destination.


Strapped in and ready for the ride home...heated seat on to keep the goods warm.


All the goods of the meal...Bud Select not included but made a good substitution instead of Dr. Pepper.


Once we got to know each other her top came off pretty easily.


Part way through the meal.


This meal didn't stand a chance against my hunger but i did get pretty full from it.


Veni Vidi Vici...I came, I saw, I conquered.

The meal is $7.99 and comes with...

1 KFC snacker

Choice of 2 sides

2 chicken strips(choice of original or extra crispy)

1 Leg or Thigh

1 Biscuit

and a 32oz drink

I hope you guys enjoyed my boredom.

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lol, use them Church's coupons... 7.99 gets you 10 pieces of chicken. 8.99 will get you the whole chicken. or 9.99 gets 8 piece, 4 biscuits, and 4 sides. or lighten up and do 4.99 for 5 pieces with 3 biscuits. Most of those are 2 or 3 meals for me... besides, you can get the spicy even hotter now...

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  max power said:
Thats very filling and entertaining.

Was that the KFC @ High and Dodridge? If so, dont eat there anymore. I wont tell you why cause I dont want to ruin your meal.

nope this is between southwood and markison so if its not the same one then you have to tell me why to not eat at the one at dodridge cause now i'm curious.

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I used to work on their Drive thru electronics and the loop signal box went out due to, um lets just say, interference from rodent liquids and solids. There was feces everywhere. Alot of chicken places were bad because they got the fried batter everywhere and no one ever cleans that stuff up except what you can see standing up. Mice and rats LOVE them some fried batter.

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  max power said:
Needless to say, I don't eat too much fast food.

i don't either except for subway...i've been trying to eat healthy lately but i wanted kfc tonight for some reason...maybe it was because i've done nothing but watch tv all day so the television marketing techniques brainwashed me into thinking that kfc was the only way to go.

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...at KFC, a much more satisfying meal is their 7pc chicken, 4 biscuits, and a large side for $9.99.

Oh yeah, do yourself a favor by stopping at the local grocery store to pick yourself up some grape kool-aid and some sugar to make prior to this KFC meal...


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